Dear Mr. Danzinger, Many of us in the local blogging community would like to go to 1310 website as a focal point for topics dicussed on progressive radio. Posts on MIliberal or Democratic Underground that start with "Did you hear what the young Turks/S. Miller/Al Franken/Ed Shultz said today?" usually don't go anywhere. Why, because many of the people that are checking out these sites aren't listening to the show. But people listening to the show will go to the 1310AM website. The ad should also say, talk about what you just heard at the web forum on 1310AM, and after we're done, we can cruise down to Dunkin donuts for a bear claw and an Iced Latte. But, if we go to the 1310AM web forum we get these problems, the illegible gray text on black background and no topic updates. Maybe it's my Dell laptop or my Planar flatscreen but the Gray text on a black background sucks and is nearly illegible. Fix this. We do hear your local ads driving us to this website and forum but seriously, FIX THE F'UP COLOR CHOICES. If you fix the web forum, I'll try and help drive more locals to the website and add discussion topics. PS LOVE 1310AM, keep up the great work. Regards,