Rumor has it that Bush is coming to Minnesota
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Thu Jun-02-05 07:52 PM
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Rumor has it that Bush is coming to Minnesota |
I found an email from someone on the State Central list that Bush will be in Maple Grove on June 18. Apparently the venue hasn't been set yet.
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Thu Jun-02-05 08:00 PM
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I bet to plug his Social Security "reform". Watch out for traffic that day.
Also expect a fundraiser for two by invation only for Mark Kennedy and the RNC general fund. Expect it to be in some plush hotel or someone's house deep in the surburbs.
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Thu Jun-02-05 08:01 PM
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Thu Jun-02-05 08:31 PM
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bush, pawlenty and kennedy all fawning over one another ... ewww
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Thu Jun-02-05 09:34 PM
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4. The email I received also speculated that |
Randy Kelly may be there too. I guess he really doesn't want to be mayor of St. Paul again (unless he's meeting with Bush to discuss how to fix the machines.)
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Mon Jun-06-05 12:19 AM
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10. Perhaps Kelly is planning to pull a coleman... |
He'll switch parties and run for higher office.
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Thu Jun-02-05 10:35 PM
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5. Isn't he done with those pep rallys yet? |
Hey - how is the new job going? You must have a few days under your belt now. Are you liking it?
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Thu Jun-02-05 11:01 PM
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why can't he come when i'm there?
i lost my big chance last summer when he came to Kutztown, PA here. Now i'm going to lose it again.
Damn you, Bush. Bet he waited till I left. He's scared of me. :-P
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Fri Jun-03-05 11:33 AM
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Has all of our names on a list anyway. We can stand 4 blocks a way and hold signs.
Only supporters get to see the Prez.
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Fri Jun-03-05 03:08 PM
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Sun Jun-05-05 01:53 AM
Response to Reply #8 |
:puke: I'll second that! :puke:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:57 AM
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