Binary Gender is insane yes,Being trasgender it is spiritual aspects because of the self examination required.
But it is not a christian phenomena.
The Fundies want to eliminate sexuality,not gender subjugation... they want gays to stop being gay, women to stop being women..all fucking for pleasure to stop..
and males to dominate..They want to co opt transgender movement for a very ulterior motive and I do not trust a baptist to be up front about it.
When monsters like Falwell embrace transgender issues it leads to gay and sexual castration.Do NOT let the fundamentalists Co Opt the Transdgender movement. 'Gays' Be Castrated?
A well-known behavioral administrator said the jury is still out on castration as a cure for pedophilia. "Using chemical castration can diminish sexual urges," Dr. Christine Cauffield, therapist and chief executive officer of Coastal Behavioral Healthcare Inc., Sarasota, said. Surgical castration has been used in countries such as Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany, although Denmark has switched to chemical castration. In the United States, chemical castration is achieved by the experimental use of medroxyprogesterone acetate, or MPA, a drug sold under the name Depo-Provera. MPA is an artificial female hormone that has been used as a form of birth control. Studies show that testosterone levels of men who take this drug fall to pre-puberty levels.
Posted by Editor at 11:12 PM