An internet-based group of Minnesotans today called on State Sen. Michele Bachmann (R-Stillwater) to repudiate a key national supporter or hers, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, for his connections to America’s leading white supremacist organization, the Council of Concerned Citizens and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke.
“Sen. Bachmann featured Tony Perkins as a keynote speaker April 20 at her anti-gay rally on the steps of the state capitol,” said Eva Young, organizer for, an internet blog and Meetup group. “We find it repugnant that a nationally known friend of hate groups like the CCC and KKK would be invited to speak on the steps of our state capitol by anyone, much less a state senator. Every Minnesotan should find that repugnant as well, and we demand that Sen. Bachmann publicly disassociate herself from Tony Perkins and his Family Research Council.”
Citing an article in The Nation magazine’s April 26, 2005 web issue that detailed Perkins’ unseemly association with the CCC and KKK, Young noted:
“Just four years ago, Tony Perkins spoke before the Louisiana chapter of the CCC. This is the successor to the racist White Citizens Councils, which fought integration in the south in the 1950s. And in 1996, when Perkins was running a campaign for a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Louisiana, he paid former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke $82,500 for his mailing list and was fined $3,000 by the Federal Election Commission for trying to hide his payment to Duke.”
The CCC isn’t your run-of-the-mill group of concerned citizens, Young continued.
“This is a group that states among its principles:
“We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European people and that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character.
“We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime ... We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind.”
As for Perkins’ association with David Duke, Young said: “What more need be said about a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan?”
Concluded Young: “While we don’t necessarily believe Sen. Bachmann would embrace such racist organizations as the CCC, it’s clear that as recently as four years ago, her supporter Tony Perkins has. Sen. Bachmann should do the right thing and disassociate herself from Tony Perkins and his racist friends. And the next time he is invited to town, Minnesotans should roll up the welcome mat.”
For more information on the racist Council of Conservative Citizens, go to: view the Dump Bachmann blog, go to: view the Dump Bachmann Meetup group, go to: