I watched the Democratic hearing on the Downing Street Memo on tv. I thought it was a very well though out and informative event that should have gotten a lot of media attention. The next morning I read what the Star Tribune/Washington Post has to say. I the first paragraph I can see a strong right wing bias. "Long-suffering House Democrats, in a basement", saying flags were brought in to make it look official. Come on? Perhaps you should mention that this was going to happen in typical house chambers, but republicans constantly blocked the request. They also tried to schedule votes during the meeting to disrupt and cancel it.
It says two dozen Democrats joined the meeting. What about the 122 members on congress that signed the letter to Bush demanding answers? Or better yet what about the 560,000 citizen co-sponsors? They mean nothing I guess because they did not get mentioned in the article.
If these memos are accurate the President committed impeachable acts. I do think it deserves a fair look, not just to be blown off in a news paper article. Tell both sides.
I support investigating issues. I support Norm Coleman's investigation of the UN oil-for-food program. I support investigation Gitmo, I strongly support investigating the contents of the Downing Street Memo. MSNBC has a non-scientific poll saying that 94% of Americans believe Bush did skew intelligence to fit the policy. Let look into it.