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Scotty Mortenson: A progressive candidate for Congress in the 6th District

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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 11:26 AM
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Scotty Mortenson: A progressive candidate for Congress in the 6th District
Scotty is new on DU and can't start threads yet so I've started one for him based on his first post a couple days ago.

Comments, advice, recommendtions for Scotty?

scottymortensen (1 posts) Thu Jun-16-05 12:28 AM
Response to Reply #11
12. Yes I am running!
I spoke at the D56 picnic at Tartan Park in Lake Elmo. Here is a copy of my speech. It went very well. I was so nervous my leg was shaking, but I received a healthy round of applause. One gentle man jumped up immediately after my speech raced to the podium and shook my hand. I am in this race to win. I shook every hand I could and did the best I could. I am very positive about our campaign. Thanks, Scott

I’m sure a few of you have been wondering just who is this Scott Mortensen. And who does he think he is announcing a candidacy for Congress in the 6th district? Doesn’t he know an unknown liberal can never win there? Why, it takes millions of dollars and a well oiled political machine behind you to win. And what about name recognition? How can someone run for US Congress without having held a lower office, or at least having been a celebrity?
Well, I’m Scott Mortensen and I believe that’s exactly why you should support my candidacy! I am one of you. I don’t have to tell you my fellow Minnesotans about the consistent daily attacks on everything from Social Security to Gay rights, to freedom of speech, to the unbelievable attack upon our intelligence by the Administration and the GOP and what they expect us to believe every single day. The lies! The hate! The corporate conspiracies! The discrimination! The secret meetings that Democrats are locked out of! The WAR based on LIES! Using Christians to justify their plots against average people based on one or two controversial issues. And I refuse to play politics with peoples lives.
I believe from the depths of my soul that nothing will change, we will continue to lose our rights, our voice, our democracy, and more importantly our spirit of hope and freedom. Until, we fight them head on. Issue by Issue. They hope to break our spirit and turn us against each other, in a grand diversion from what’s really at stake. The very fabric of our Great Nation. Our Constitutional rights.
There are those who believe we can dance around the issues to be politically palatable to swing voters, while denying rights to our citizens, fighting baseless wars, and enabling the further destruction of open government, and the brazen sale of government to the highest bidder in America today. I for one will not stand for it. And I intend on taking this fight straight to the good people of Minnesota. There are those among us who are willing to give up 70 years of social progress since President Roosevelt announced "a new deal for the American people". They want to strike a deal with the devil, in hopes of staving off the relentless attacks on common citizens, to kiss and make up with these very same people. I believe in consensus and compromise, but not at the expense of the rights and freedom our citizens.
I believe that avoidable war is wrong. And after the election of 2004, the gloater's enjoyed waving their finger at us, saying “Just get over it.” Well I have something to say about that… I will never get over it. I will never get over “no weapons of mass destruction” I will never get over “no ties to terror” I will never get over sending our brave troops in unprepared. I will never get over prisoner abuse and torture. I will never get over stirring up massive levels of hatred for our Great Nation world wide, all because of a premeditated agenda of greed and fear, planned years ago in their think tanks. I think they ought to call them “stink tanks”

And so my friends, here we are today, we stand at a crossroad. You have a choice. Send in the usual dealmakers to hack and parse what’s left of our freedom and democracy, making grand concessions and deals, under the cover of darkness and secrecy. Bargaining away the rights of common citizens to gain a chair at the table, to do what? Nod in agreement of their evil agenda? Or become “Republican Light?”
You do have a choice… real choice. send me, Scott Mortensen, a common man, an average citizen, who’s just plain fed up with the endless rhetoric of fear.

I am completely committed to peace and open government “by the people, and for the people.” That’s why I’m running for Congress in the United States of America from the 6th District in Minnesota.
What I lack in experience, I’ll make up for with counsel, and passion. What I lack in funds, I’ll make up for with hard work and building friendships. I don’t believe Democrats need to shrink back from the issues to win moderate voters. Let me say it like this… I don’t believe Democrats should turn their back on individual rights and freedoms, promote baseless war, and continue to cave in towards the Republican agenda of greed, fear, and misinformation, to win back the 6th District Seat! On the contrary, I believe we must take the issues to the voters, explain our passion, what we believe, and let them see the real, caring, hopeful people that we really are. Never forget, it was only some 14-15 years ago now that a little green bus rolled through Minnesota with messege of compassion and care for the common man. He was labeled "embarrassingly liberal" by the Republicans. He was given little chance to beat the well funded corporate greed machine. Nobody can replace Paul. He defined progressive politics in Minnesota and for that matter our Nation. But let us never, never, ever turn our back on his politics! That’s why I’m running for Congress in the United States of America from the 6th District in Minnesota.

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Wetzelbill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 11:31 AM
Response to Original message
1. Hey, all right!!
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 11:33 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. That's what I say
Edited on Sun Jun-19-05 11:33 AM by katinmn
The other Dem running in that district is Republican light to medium. It will be a hard race, I'm sure.
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Minnesota Raindog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 11:54 AM
Response to Original message
3. Beats Tinklenberg's guns, god and gays message
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-19-05 12:18 AM
Response to Reply #3
31. I posted this on Malloy's blog
I posted this on Malloy's Blog in response to the thread entitled
"Former NFL Quarterback runs for Congress".

When will we ever learn? I believe we must stop electing celebrities, prima donnas, fat cat lawyers, and millionaires to public office. Not that I believe this particular "celebrity" would be good, or bad. I have been conducting a campaign in Minnesota in the 6th Congressional District for the House seat. And I will say, that since we keep having the same type of problems in government... I believe it's high time we start sending a different type of candidate to Washington. Common Citizens. Only when average, everyday citizens rise up and thwart the powermongers can anything begin to change. When it supposedly will take 2-3-4 million dollars to win a US House seat in Minnesota, the system is not really broken, but usurped. I have forced my way on the political scene here, by my own sheer willpower and determination. Now, my candidacy is gaining strength. I have been speaking at every Dem group, every civic festival, and our message resonates well with people. Today, my opponent for Democratic endorsement (who is an "experienced" "conservative" Democrat who is anti-choice, anti-gun control, supports a ban on gay marriage, and has expressed his support for the Iraq quagmire) was interviewed on the local "progressive" radio station. Even though we are listed on all the party websites and have been campaigning heavily, they did not contact us for an interview. I know for a fact, several of our supporters have called the station. I called today and demanded equal time. The station manager proceeded to rip me up one side and down the other, saying a pro-choice, pro-gay, anti-war candidate could never win the 6th. Of course this only ignited my passion. I proceeded to tell her, that I will not back away from issues we have fought for years and years and turn my back on people to play politics. She went on for half an hour pleading with me not to run. My gosh,the nerve of this so called "progressive" radio station manager. To these people,it's just a football game, and people are just pawns. She even said a "Gay" person she knew supported this other candidate's Gay marriage ban message. I reminded her that it was only a short 40 years ago, that interracial marriage was also banned as a state issue, until it was overturned as a civil rights violation by the Federal government. I continued to request my airtime. Once she realized she could not persuade me, she put me on perma-hold for the program director, whom I had to call back and I guess I'm on next week. In my mind I was thinking..what? is Rove standing there with her? with a gun to her head??? Basically, yes. They are so afraid of what the Rove machine will do... They have lost whatever conviction for people they may have thought they had. Do you think these millionaires, and celebrities have to fight as hard as I do? No. But that is why you should support me, and candidates like me all over this country. I am fighting because I care. There is no way that most of these celebrities can have our compassion and empathy for those in our society who fight for survival every single day. Ok go ahead support celebrities, but you get what you get. I don't wish this celebrity any ill will, it's just that we need to change our fundamental thinking about electing politicians.

Scott Mortensen
*these are my personal thoughts on this issue, but unfortunately, now everything I say is a political advertisement, prepared and paid for by "Mortensen for Congress" PO Box 25192, Woodbury, MN 55125

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Demrock6 Donating Member (717 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 04:33 PM
Response to Original message
4. I like what I read. Hopefully Scotty sticks around here.
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MinnesotaMike31 Donating Member (314 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-23-05 04:37 PM
Response to Original message
5. He's from my hometown of Fairmont! Wooohooo!
I like what I read up above! Good luck Scotty!
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lakeguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-23-05 09:43 PM
Response to Original message
6. Beam me up Scotty. I'm in!
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-05 11:46 PM
Response to Original message
7. Messege from Scott Mortensen
I posted this to many DFL'ers and also here, but I'll repost it here as well. Tell me what you think. Do you see Sen. Bachmann winning the Republican endorsement? She is obviously the most controversial of the group of Republicans. Of, course her politics of disrimination fits in well with the Bush plank. And isn't that what gets you places in the Party these days? I fully intend on winning the 6th. Whether that means Bachmann or who-ever.


Greetings DFL'ers!

I want to thank you for the opportunity to speak to you at the picnic in Lake Elmo. Having just returned from a family vacation yesterday, where I was able to reflect on the initial stages of our campaign, which has encompassed a large part of my time over the last several months, I believe I have gained fresh insight and renewed vigor.
I firmly believe that Minnesotans are tired of the same old tired talkingpoints, regurgetated day after day after day, by the GOP noise machine. You see, they can only respond to our passion with tired old rhetoric. They are getting increasingly desparate and bitter. I think they know "the gig is up". You can only hide behind tired rhetoric for so long. Eventually, the sunshine of truth reveals the utter failure of their agenda on every front, when weighed against the stark realities of a shameful war spiraling out of control, an economy raked with the uncertainty of high oil prices, soaring housing costs, medical costs, food costs, and so on. Not to mention, the constant insidious attacks on civil liberties, always putting the inhumane will of the corporate greed machine over the interests of the average, everyday American. Using the extremist Christian right to attempt to legitimize their anti-freedom p! lots in the minds of their "Christian base". They can tell you all day that the numbers are not really that bad, and the economy is fine. But go to the supermarket and ask normal Minnesotans how they're finances look lately. I know my family is spending quite a bit more. Of course we all know about the recent problems with the airline industry, reniging on pensions, and outsourcing jobs.
Of course, most of us are acutely aware of the most recent in a long line of decisions and laws robbing average citizens, namely the Supreme Court decision regarding the ability of government to declare eminant domaign over private property to benefit who? Once again, the almighty corporation... the shopping mall moguls over the little guy. Once again we are to praise the grand developers of sports complexes, shopping malls, for their grand experience and professionalism in ROBBING the little guy.
In their quest of streamlined, unrestrained, and blatantly irresponsible capitalism, they simply have mowed over the interests of normal Americans.
I propose some healthy re-regulation of industry! That's right RE-REGULATION! Protecting Americans from the vicious attacks, and pollutions of corporate barbarians and overlords.
I propose a clear exit strategy from Iraq NOW! They argue that this will undermine the war on terror. I say our current policy of imperialistic war based on lies, undermines the war on terror far more than an exit strategy ever could. In fact, we would gain worldwide respect for a more reasonable, humane strategy, than the insane, reckless, warmongering of the current Administration and majority party.
I propose Health Care for ALL Americans!
I propose strong new laws limiting and challenging the latest property grab debacle in the Supreme Court.
I propose rolling back the tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, and rolling back the sinister bankruptcy reform plot recenty made into law by the corporate lackeys in Congress today.
I propose a federal law guaranteeing the right of marraige of any two individuals of legal age, wiping out state law bans, similar to the bans against interracial marraige as recent as the mid sixties, which robbed individuals of their civil rights.
I propose tough new campaign and election reform, guaranteeing a paper trail, with strict limits on financing. Partisian abuses should result in lengthy prison terms! You mess with our elections... you go to jail!
I propose only minor adjustments to Social Security. No privatization.
I propose the appointment of a "Special Prosecuter" immediatly to uncover the lies and crimes that led us to war in Iraq.
I stand against the insane extremist attacks on women's reproductive rights and the dangerous abstinance misinformation campaigns vs. intelligent contraceptive access and information. As in all the neo-right's attacks, they use theological propaganda instead of reason and real science to support their freedom robbing agenda, to replace individual civil rights with a theocratic dictatorship.
And I will propose much much more.
I guarantee Minnesotans in the 6th disrtrict one thing, I will never stop fighting the neo-right's inhumane agenda. I won't by flying all over on questionable special interest money. I will be on the House floor fighting for your rights!
They may out spend us, smear us, attack us... but they will never, ever out passion us.

As Always,

Scott Mortensen

"The Clear Choice for Peace, and Open Government"
Candidate for Congress, 6th District Minnesota
PO Box 25192
Woodbury, MN 55125
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-26-05 08:25 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Great proposals! It's so refreshing to hear from a candidate
I hope you get your message on MPR along with the other declared candidates. They have an early start on the races. Just call them up and they should interview you.

Also, I like your web site a lot, except for the music. (I'm sorry, just had to say it.) It's energetic but I'm pretty hepped up already.

Another comment. The neocons can't use their "holier than thou" attitude with someone that has a degree in theology and was an assistant minister. :-) If you end up running against Bachman, that will be a strong asset.

Good luck to you.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 04:20 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. MPR and music
Yes I know... we dumped the music. we had mixed thoughts on it from supporters. but yes many said it was counter-productive. Also, we have a new intro this week and will update it regularly.

Also, I was contacted by a MPR reporter, who I will not name here, because I do hope to do that interview.

He contacted me the same day he did my DFL opponents interview. He said he was going to interview me, later that day. I called him later that day as I did not hear back from him. He then said he would call me the next morning.... again no call. I am listed on all the DFL sites. I've had a small amount of press, and did an interview, which small portions of it were published on the front page of the Woodbury Bulletin. I have been in contact with Party leaders. I have a solid team. And we will win this district! I believe some pressure from citizens to the media may get them to cover me because we are gaining quickly on the well funded machines. But I don't doubt I will be ignored by the corporate machine, as I'm fixing to limit their political power.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 04:33 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. A letter sent out to supporters today
Hi xxxxxx,

Thank you for your support. The Republican's mountain of lies, hate,
discrimination, and greed which seemingly grows higher and higher into the
stratosphere every single day is beginning to unravel on them, as many of us
knew it ultimately would. Now is the time we need to act. As Robert Kennedy
said in 1968: "Too often we honor swagger and bluster and wielders of force;
too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives on the
shattered dreams of others." and "Some look for scapegoats, others look for
conspiracies, but this much is clear: violence breeds violence, repression
brings retaliation, and only a cleansing of our whole society can remove this
sickness from our soul."

It is my very deepest conviction that we will win! We will win DFL endorsement
and then will go on to beat the Republicans as well!

The time to act is now! If those of us who are passionate do not act... then
who will? Please consider contributing to our campaign, whether that means
financial support, or volunteering.


Scott Mortensen- Candidate for Congress
Mortensen for Congress / Campaign Committee
PO Box 25192
Woodbury, MN

*this is a copy of a political advertisement/email prepared and paid for by "Mortensen for Congress"
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-27-05 06:07 PM
Response to Reply #9
11.  I just wrote to and gave them a nudge
Said I heard about you and was looking forward to reading/hearing your interview. Maybe some other DUers here will, too.

The music -- yeah, it's a subjective thing. If a couple others said hold the music it was probably the right thing to do. It can be distracting when you're reading.

Are you giving any speeches over the holiday weekend? I'll look on the web site.

Thanks for posting here!
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 12:02 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Today I am a Critic
Tonight our President will make his case to stay the course in Iraq. Recently,
I was told by a man I respect, that "no monument was ever built for a critic".
I agree. I realize that I have been extremely critical of the Administration
and the Republicans, who have been marching lock-step with the Administration.
One thing I wish to make clear, I am not concerned about having monuments built
in my image. What I am concerned about is the insidious slide our Nation has
taken towards fascism. Yes, fascism. When our political system has become so
corrupt, that WAR can be waged, killing over 1700 brave American men and women,
murdering 100,000 innocent civillians, wasting billions and billions of hard
earned tax dollars, infuriating millions and millions in foriegn lands,
resulting in massive levels of hatred towards our Great Nation, clearly we as a
Nation are in a treacherous situation. To not speak ! up, to not protest, to
not act with extreme conviction, would be the gravest of patriotic violations.
Why? Why are we there? Winning the freedom of the Iraqi people was NOT what we
were told when this war was presented to Congress and the American people. I
don't even have to make the argument. You all know it was all based on grand
lies and misinformation. I believe we must seriously question the moral
standing of our Nation, if we will allow these liars to lead us any longer. If
you say, "prove it Mr. Mortensen", I will say to you "prove they didn't lie us
into this murderous tragedy". Obviously there's plenty of evidence that they
did. Appoint a "special prosecuter". Let's find out, who's right!
In a murder trial, when it is discovered that the murderer was to recieve a
large sum of money from the murder, motive can be established. Do I need to
point out the abuses of Halliburton? The grand diversion from the ever
increasing dispairity between the haves and have nots in our sociaty? Again as
Robert Kennedy said in 1968 before he was murdered: "Too often we honor swagger
and bluster and wielders of force; too often we excuse those who are willing to
build their own lives on the shattered dreams of others...Some look for
scapegoats, others look for conspiracies, but this much is clear: violence
breeds violence, repression brings retaliation, and only a cleansing of our
whole society can remove this sickness from our soul." Yes, I want to talk
about changing the course of politics in our Nation, and yes I have a myriad of
ideas regarding policies and programs I would like to see happen. But Today we
will be lied to again, and in protest, I am a critic.


Scott Mortensen
Mortensen for Congress
PO Box 25192
Woodbury, MN 55125
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 03:37 PM
Response to Reply #12
14. Beautiful, Scotty! Bravo!

It was so nice reading that post I'm writing out a check. (And I don't live in the 6th.)

Get a Paypal account set up on your web site!
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Demrock6 Donating Member (717 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
13. That does it! Count me in...........
I am offically backing Scott Mortenson for the 6th. I can see you have a lot of heart, drive, passion and courage to fight for all Americans. I will be 'nudging' mpr to make sure they get on the ball if you not up yet. I look forward to helping you turn the sixth blue.

I am betting you will be against Bachman. The sixth is a pretty conservative district, but you have the upper hand: You have decency and your sanity! Best wishes.
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Minnesota Raindog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 11:16 PM
Response to Original message
15. Keep tabs on 6th CD candidate Michele Bachmann at
There's a lot of good information there and plenty more to come in the months ahead. Hopefully Bachmann will have so much excess baggage by next year's endorsing convention the GOP delegates will run away from her as fast as they can. Then all we have to do is whip her ass in Senate District 52.

And any DFLer who thinks it would be good to have the GOP endorse Bachmann in the 6th CD is a fool and is underestimating the ability of Bachmann to turn out the Rapture Republican vote. She needs to be taken out of office at every level.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 03:14 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. the pay-pal is on it's way
I really am not concerned about Michele. She has her hands full to beat the posse vying for the Republican nod. We'll face who-ever we face. I do sort of hope she does win in a way, as I am that confident that she is very beatable. She has far too many incoherent arguments. And the rabid right alone isn't going to do it. Last time out in the sixth, everybody was so jacked up on the kool-aid real issues didn't seem to matter much. Right now we have to convince the sixth that I am the candidate that can beat the Republicans, which has it's own set of unique aspects. I believe once voters in the sixth really see what I am all about, we will get a lot of people to the primary on Sept 13th, who may have never been to a primary. Our campaign will be a very energetic, fresh, and issue oriented campaign.
We will win because of our passion, conviction, straightforwardness and sheer willpower to be real people to help real people. Scott
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Minnesota Raindog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 11:31 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. The Bachmann Factor
Scott says: "I do sort of hope she does win in a way, as I am that confident that she is very beatable. She has far too many incoherent arguments. And the rabid right alone isn't going to do it. "

Hate to tell you this, Scott, but Michele Bachmann has had "far too many incoherent arguments" in every race in which she's run and, sadly, that's worked for her the past two elections. She needs to be stopped now, not after she gets the GOP and their big money behind her as the endorsed candidate for CD 6. I would advise you to do whatever you can to beat her now, rather than later.
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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-30-05 11:38 AM
Response to Reply #17
18. Krinkie may very well beat Bachmann for republican endorsement
Krinkie may have a better shot at endorsement than Bachmann, as he is quite popular with the antitax, antirail crowd.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-30-05 11:53 AM
Response to Reply #17
19. Good Advise
I realize the critical nature of this election. And we have and are looking ahead to potential Republican candidates. In message focus we have already discussed this at length. Rest assured that does play a part in our message. But our campaign must focus on the the first challenge, which is winning the primary on Sept. 13th. Will it help us if we are percieved as the campaign that will beat Bachmann or whoever? Absolutely. One thing I believe is that the same courage displayed by our brave men and women in Iraq, must be displayed by us. They are willing to spend their lives for our Nation and so we must be couragous as well. We have to take this one step at a time and need every supporter, every volunteer, every contribution, to be focused in the most effective manner. This requires alot of discipline in making sure we accomplish our mission. No mistakes. Tall order huh? We don't have the millions.. But we have what they don't have...the truth.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-02-05 11:05 AM
Response to Reply #19
20. Some of my corrospondence with Gold Star Families for Peace
Dear Cindy,

I began this campaign about 6 months ago. I was in such disgust and horror over
the re-election of George W. Bush and the conspiring GOP, that I felt I must do
something. Never before in the history of our Great Nation has our very
democracy and voice as a people been threatened so severly as it is today. In
reality it all comes down to money, greed, and meglomania. At the very heart
of the issue is the open sale of our Nation's political system to the highest
bidder. Corporate greed is what drives this war. Our voice as a people is
obscured and ignored and only paid lip service to, to stave off open revolt. I
am appalled that I supposedly must raise 2 to 3 million dollars to win this
house seat. That is a crime. When you have 880 million dollars of
contributions in a Presidential election, the political system has been
hijacked by an insidious, greed based, corporate coup. We are in Iraq because
of the paranoia of meglomanical powermongers, who are so afraid that the masses
will rise up and destroy their monopoly on government, they will do anything to
retain their power. As Paul Wellstone said before he was supposedly killed in
an airplane "accident": I paraphrase: "It's not the rich corporation who need
a US Senator in Washington DC, they already have their power, it's the average.
every citizen, who has no voice, no advocate that needs a US Senator to stand up
for them". We have lost the very meaning of Representative Democracy to the
almighty corporate greed machine. Don't let them fool you for 1 minute. It's
not right wing religious issues and so called "values", it's not ultimately
about their willingness to fight baseless wars. What it is, is purely about
power and greed.

I aim to start the process of changing this. Cindy, I encourage you to run. I
encoiurage all of you to run. We must stop them. They will out spend us, but
we must take our messege directly to the people in each district...anyway you

Right now, our campaign is gaining on the bribery machine, and bigot radio. I
spoke to 600 Democrats recently, and many smaller groups. Our messege is
strong and clear. Right now, scott mortensen is #1 on yahoo and msn search
results, I am listed on all the DFL websites (Minnesota Democratic Party).
Even though I started this campaign personnally over 6 months ago, it is now
that our campaign is starting to snowball. I have a core group of supporters
and we know what we have to do. My opponant in the DFL primary supports the
war, is for a ban on gay marraige, and is anti-choice. They will use these
issues to divert attention from what our struggle is really about. Namely,
taking back our government from the corporate coup on open government. Policy
is now developed behind closed doors, Democrats are locked out of the process
in many cases, decisions regarding our very basic rights are shrouded in
secrecy. Fascism disguised as some sort of "imposter democracy" is a real and
distinct reality. Conservative Americans have bought into the lies, hate,
greed, and discrimination, hook, line, and sinker.

But now the mountain of lies which seemingly reaches into the stratosphere is
beginning to unravel on them. The Republicans are so busy trying to keep it
from crumbling, they are looking for every diversion possible to sway Americans
to continue to support their failed agenda. They always play to fear, and

We must wake up our fellow citizens! We won't get a second chance! Please
consider supporting my candidacy, as I will stand up and speak the truth.
Regardless of popularity, I will introduce impeachment in the House. They may
lose it in the judiciary, but I will speak up. I won't by flying all over on
special interest money, I will be on the House floor fighting for you.

We can reach our citizens for a dime to a dollar...YES WE CAN!

If those of us who are passionate won't stand up.... Who will?

As Always, Scott Mortensen- Candidate for Congress, 6th district Minnesota

Please consider supporting my candidacy- no matter where you live!

Thank you, Scott
(in my fast imperfect typing)
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DemonFighterLives Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-02-05 11:59 AM
Response to Original message
21. So happy to hear a voice out of the wilderness
All of your words in the speech and letters are awesome and refreshing. Not many are brave enough to speak the truths that you do.

Nice touch with the Wellstone and RFK quotes. Those are true democrats that we can be proud of. They laid the foundation and now the rest of the structure must be built.

You seem to be firing on all cylinders. Good Luck! and hopefully we will hear a lot more from you in the future.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-02-05 10:55 PM
Response to Reply #21
22. Thanks
Thanks, A recent letter:

Dear Fellow Minnesotans,

I am Scott Mortensen, Candidate for Congress in the 6th District Minnesota. In recent discussions with some parents of murdered children, I have become profoundly aware of the scourge of violence among us, perpetrated upon Minnesotans and Americans by gangs. Recently in meeting with the founder of the Ben Doran Foundation , Maggie Doran (who's son was murdered by gang violence) and President of the foundation, Rome Hanson, who's lives have been turned upside down from this tragic event, has caused me to think more about what we can do as a society, regarding gang violence. Obviously, when society in general continues to become more uncaring, and mean spirited, desperation causes more hopelessness and drug problems, etc. I have been talking to Police Officers as well. In a conversation recently, I asked Officers what they felt is the driving force behind this and what can we do? Their perception was that the proliferation of the drugs; in particular, meth is responsible for a lot of it. We all know that meth has permeated rural areas as well. A couple Officers thought only by locking up addicts for at least 1 year, do they have a chance to break free from the drug. And what if it's your kid?

Research has shown, approximately 90% of addicts go through outpatient treatment services instead of entering a long term inpatient program. Statistics show that longer-term residential treatment is overall more effective and a drug-free rehabilitation approach is better in the long run for the addict. We must consider the human consequences of how we approach this problem. Much has been said and laws are being passed regarding prevention, which is good. But in the area of dealing with addicts who are caught, it seems we may be falling short. In 1999, I had a dwi, and I went through treatment. Treatment helped me change my life, and today I have been sober for almost 5 years. I believe it works. Many would say a candidate for Congress shouldn't admit this during the campaign, or shouldn't run unless they lived some sort of storybook life. But I believe Minnesotans are tired of people who run for office pretending they are these perfect people. They..we..are not. I have experienced many of the same heartaches of divorce, being a single parent with custody of a small child, being broke and fighting my way back, as many Minnesotans have. Also, about 18 years ago my best friend was murdered. So, I do have empathy for the people in our society who are profoundly effected by these issues. I believe you can start over and be successful and live a happy and meaningful life. I am proof of that.

Therefore, I think we should consider developing a 1 year intensive treatment program for people addicted to meth, instead of just throwing them in prison. We as a society need to make sure funding is available for this, as most families and addicts could never pay the entire cost of such a program. I believe we need more Police Officers. I believe we are in the process of making the ingredients harder to get, and education programs for our youth are also critical. Yet, we must make sure addicts get the chance to change their lives, in addition to making the penalty strong enough to deter. Yet, I do believe non-violent addicts who have not committed other serious crimes, should not be branded for life, for a mistake. Also, their families should not be penalized by having to bear the cost of unaffordable long term treatment programs, because they became instantly addicted to this powerful drug. Good treatment programs and policies will save lives, reduce crime, rebuild families and communities, and use public funds wisely. Today, more Americans are sent to prison for non-violent drug offenses than ever. Current drug policy emphasizes crop eradication, interdiction and law enforcement over treatment and prevention, although research indicates that treatment is between seven and twenty-three times more cost-effective than its alternatives.

I would like to talk about a Federal program to help States with the funding for these expensive programs. Currently we are spending billions and billions on a baseless war with no exit strategy, giving tax cuts to the wealthiest in society, while violence permeates our cities and now rural areas.

I would like to hear more from concerned citizens about this issue as I am thinking about developing solutions to propose.


Scott Mortensen

Mortensen for Congress, PO Box 25192, Woodbury, MN 55125 651-485-3886

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Demrock6 Donating Member (717 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-05-05 05:50 PM
Response to Original message
23. They still didn't do the mpr thing..
I did also send them an email reminding them. Any contact yet Scott?
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-05-05 06:34 PM
Response to Reply #23
24. If they haven't interviewed Scott yet I think we should also
call them.

What the heck's up with MPR?

Also, they ignored my email. I hate that. Perhaps that is a good reason to call.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-06-05 09:55 PM
Response to Reply #24
25. Woodbury Bulletin

Once we establish ourselves a little more, I think they'll come around. But, If some of you want to call the various media.. God bless you. I don't have a big name, or big money....just a big mouth! LOL We feel confident and more people are contacting us everyday. Those who share our passion respect us... and that's what counts right now. Hey, my hometown "Woodbury Bulletin" has me in there once in while! Oh, we gave the website a new look.

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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-06-05 11:47 PM
Response to Reply #25
26. Sometimes we have to be the media
The Curser has a list of Twin Cities bloggers. Careful though, there's some real RWers in there!
Some might run an announcement or link to your web site.

There are some liberal bloggers that aren't on the list.

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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-15-05 12:25 AM
Response to Original message
27. update
I've been busy meeting with meet up groups, DFL meetings, and alot of organizational activities. Our campaign is gaining momentum and generating more interest every day. We are getting responses from all around the Minnesota. I am encouraged by many of comments and contributions. Well, we are getting our share of "hate mail", so we must be on the right track. I have tried to be out there meeting people at every opportunity and our schedule is filling fast. But I have not been out there as much as I want to, because of all the organizational activities. I wanted the online contributions set up sooner,it appears we will have this any day now. Thanks, Scott
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-15-05 08:59 PM
Response to Reply #27
28. Thanks, Scott!
Glad you are getting some visibility.

I signed on to volunteer on your site.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-15-05 11:09 PM
Response to Reply #28
29. Your the Best!
Thank you so much for your support! Tonight I was at the Sherburne County Fair in Elk River. I was very busy shaking hands with as many as I could and giving them my card. On the way in, I asked a Law Enforcement Officer where the DFL booth was, and he said "were all Republicans" I thought Oh, Oh. Here's little outspoken Scotty Mortensen surrounded by Republicans. But nothing could have been further from the truth. In talking with many, many people, I found our strong message is resonating well with people. People are fed up. Plus, I ended up getting into an argument with a Republican leader in the district. He was coy and asinine in our brief introduction, so I let him have it. I challenged him to name me 1 policy, 1 area where their agenda is not a complete failure. He stood there for a moment and said nothing.. and then blurted out "the war in Iraq" I just about had a cow. Of course I obliged him, after a moment of me letting him have it, I informed him I was not there to argue with him and turned my back on him and walked away. He thought I would play his coy asinine game. Imagine that.. me. These people disgust me. I also asked him how hard he thought it was going to be for them to continue holding up the mountain of lies? He just seemed perplexed by my intensity and passion. I told alot of people tonight "they may have all the money... but if we get all the people... WE WIN! Peace Scott
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CrazyForKucinich Donating Member (676 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-16-05 02:40 PM
Response to Reply #29
30. You're
Political opponents will jump on anything you say. Potatoe anyone?
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Demrock6 Donating Member (717 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-19-05 10:42 AM
Response to Reply #30
32. Ha!!!
That was the best.
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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-19-05 11:34 PM
Response to Original message
33. Heard Scotty mentioned on MPR this evening
In the context of story about how are DFL legislative leaders are contributing money towards Tinklenberg, the anti-abortion, anti-gun regulation, and anti gay civil marriage DFL choice.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 01:04 AM
Response to Reply #33
34. I said I was "Pro-Choice"
Democrats lining up behind Tinklenberg campaign


Associated Press

WASHINGTON - With the primary still more than a year away, several Democratic congressional leaders have already contributed to DFL candidate Elwyn Tinklenberg, who hopes to succeed GOP Rep. Mark Kennedy in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District.
Tinklenberg, a former state transportation commissioner, has received campaign contributions from the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee as well as the party's top two leaders in the House.
In addition, several current and former Democratic members of the Minnesota congressional delegation have contributed to Tinklenberg's campaign, including Sen. Mark Dayton, Reps. Collin Peterson and Jim Oberstar, and former Rep. Bill Luther.
The backing could represent an early vote of confidence in Tinklenberg.
Tinklenberg faces Scott Mortensen in the DFL primary, but Mortensen said Tuesday he's only raised a few hundred dollar so far. Tinklenberg has raised $110,000, with $103,000 in the bank, according to his latest Federal Election Commission report, which covers activity through June 30.
There are already five Republican candidates in the race: state Reps. Phil Krinkie and Jim Knoblach, state Sen. Michele Bachmann, former state Education Commissioner Cheri Pierson Yecke and St. Cloud-area businessman Jay Esmay.
Tinklenberg, in Washington on Tuesday for a visit with trade and advocacy groups, said he expects he'll have to raise about $2 million in the race.
The former Methodist minister has gotten the national backing despite views on social issues that put him to the right of his party. He opposes legalized abortion, supports a constitutional ban on gay marriage and opposes increased restrictions on gun ownership.
"There's a sense among Democrats that the person who wins this seat will have to come from a more conservative background," said Tinklenberg, a former mayor of Blaine. The 6th District includes northern Twin Cities suburbs and extends northwest to the St. Cloud area.
"It's going to be a struggle," Tinklenberg said of winning the conservative district. But he said he thinks he can appeal to voters who support Democrats on economic issues but not cultural ones.
On economic issues, Tinklenberg said he'd like to see more money spent on transportation funding; would vote against the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which Kennedy supports; and wants the government to look at raising the cap on the amount of income subject to payroll taxes, as a possible way to help bring the program into long-term solvency.
Mortensen, an Internet sales manager, said that he's just getting his campaign started.
"We don't have big money, or a big name, but I do have a big mouth," he said with a laugh.
Mortensen said that Tinklenberg is getting national money because he's held office before and is well-connected.
"That's one of the things that's wrong with the system," he said. "They can have the money but if we have the people, we win."
Mortensen, who supports legalized abortion and gay marriage, said he was surprised that the party would rally around a candidate who comes down on the other side of those issues.
DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., who contributed $2,000 to Tinklenberg's campaign, said in a statement: "Elwyn Tinklenberg's experience as a mayor and pastor and his work at the state level on important transportation issues makes him an impressive individual and candidate for Congress."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., contributed $2,000 to Tinklenberg's campaign, and Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat in the House, contributed $2,500.
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 05:43 AM
Response to Reply #34
35. Tinklenberg is a DINO. Why is the DCCC supporting him?
He sounds just like Kennedy.

I guess it's because the leaders of the party still haven't learned lesson one from the last election.

Want to lose for certain? Throw your support behind milquetoast Tinklenberg.

Want to offer people a choice? ALWAYS go with the progressive candidate. In this case it would be the very capable and passionate Scott Mortenson, a true blue progressive if there ever was one.

Paging Dr. Dean! Does he have an office in Minnesota yet?

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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 08:16 AM
Response to Reply #35
36. Tough Questions Democrats need to ask themselves
Are you willing to turn your back on womens reproductive rights?

Are you willing to turn Bigotry into law, by supporting a candidate who supports a ban on gay marraige?

Are willing to support a candidate who said he would have voted for the Iraq war?

Are you willing to support a candidate that undoubtedly would have supported loosening the restrictions on assault weapons?

Do you want the wealthiest top 1% of us to continue to usurp our political system indefinitly?

And do you really believe that the people in the 6th are really ready to destroy America over a couple controversial issues?

Think Again! Go Scott Mortensen 2006!

*just my thoughts, unfortunately everything I say now is a political advertisement prepared and paid for by "Mortensen for Congress" PO Box 25192, Woodbury, MN 55125 651-485-3886
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 04:57 PM
Response to Reply #36
37. Today I served notice on the political game players
Progressivent out all over, including DFL leaders. One Leader is none to happy I would "attack" a fellow Democrat. I responded "Democrat????" Please. This is about issues and people. Plus I did not attack him personally. But If they think for one minute we will let them install Someone who would support overturning Roe v Wade without a fight, they are mistaken.

The Campaign Update:

Yesterday, I was interviewed by AP. Many Democratic campaigns are ahead of us. We knew this would happen from the outset. So, obviously this is no big news to us. Certain people may be giddy about the political “football game”. But we are fighting for people, and are not all that impressed by the thousands and thousands raised by the people, whom we all knew would. To us, we consider it a shame that to some people, our campaigns our compared more by how much money we have raised at this early stage, rather than what we believe in, but that is to be expected as well. ! We have set up our bank accounts, have our team coming together, and have decided that we will never back down in our fight for what is right and decent in order to win this election. A few people have indicated they think our message is to strong. So, we have decided to ratchet it up a notch, just to let you know that we are dead serious about people, not politics! Monday evening at my home in Woodbury, we are going to meet at 7:30pm. If you have the passion! and are not afraid to take a stand. If you believe it’s time to change the political landscape of our Party and Nation. If you believe that sending a pseudo-Republican to Washington is an absolute shame and cop out. Then you need to be there. Monday, I had to argue for a half an hour with a radio station manager to demand equalair timee on their station, (a “progressive” station), about gay marriage, abortion, and war, to get equal time next week. I am here to serve notice on political game players. We will not be intimidated. Scott

Call “Mortensen for Congress” at 651-485-3886 to attend this planning session & get directions, and get behind a candidate who isn’t intimidated by the big money game players, and join this fight. Scott met hundreds of people at the Sherburne County Fair and said "Oumessagege resonates with the people much better than the big shots have any idea. We will surprise alot of people."

Check out our new updates:

Go Scott Mortensen 2006

*this is a political advertisement prepared and paid for by “Mortensen for Congress” Campaign Committee, PO Box 25192, Woodbury, MN 55125 651-485-3886
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 05:04 PM
Response to Reply #37
38. please forgive my typos
I blog fast and really don't have time to blog much these days, so I just don't check everything close. Up until now so much of my campaign has been me doing more than I really effectively can. I may not spell everything right. But I care. Scott
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 06:09 AM
Response to Reply #38
39. Great meeting you last night, Scott!
After talking with you in person I can attest that you are what you say you are. And I can see you have the energy and determination to see this through!

The turnout was better than I expected. Hope you met up with lots of like-minded people that will give you a hand.

You're forgiven for the typos. But did you know that there is a convenient "check spelling" button available before you post? Not that I regularly use it. :-)
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 12:50 PM
Response to Original message
40. Scott Mortensen will be on AM950 at 8:30 Monday July 25th with Nick Colema
Scott Mortensen will be on AM950 with Nick Coleman, Monday July 25th, at 8:30am
I will talk about my candidacy and being "framed by the message" Also, You are invited to my home in Woodbury, Monday, July 25th at
7:30pm to take action and unite with our campaign to take back the District and our Nation. Call me at 651-485-3886 or, email me for

Thank you for your support!

Scott Mortensen

*this is a political advertisement prepared and paid for by Mortensen
for Congress, PO Box 25192, Woodbury, MN 55125
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katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 02:13 PM
Response to Reply #40
41. This deserves its own thread. I'll start one.
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scottymortensen Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 10:40 AM
Response to Reply #41
42. Mortensen for Congress / Update
Scott Mortensen interview with Nick Coleman on AM950 has been rescheduled to Wed, July 27th, 8:30am. Also, if you want to become part of our team, you are invited to his home in Woodbury Tonight: Monday, July 25th at 7:30pm to help us take action and unite with our campaign to take back the District and our Nation, Several excellent people have now joined with us. More people are becoming interested in our campaign every day, as word is spreading that there is a progressive candidate running in the 6th! Excitement is building fast. Also, this week Scott will appear at the "Rural Summit" Wed July 27th, at St. Johns University in Collegeville, and He will be meeting Minnesotans at the Wright County Fair. Call us at 651-485-3886 or, email us for directions for tonights meeting.

Thank you for your support!

Scott Mortensen Candidate 6th Dist. MN

*this is a political advertisement prepared and paid for by Mortensen
for Congress, PO Box 25192, Woodbury, MN 55125
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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:15 PM
Response to Original message
43. kick
This deserves to be towards the top!
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