From February 2003: Clip & Save! Somebody may get a chance to confront him on this bullshit.
War against Iraq would be an extension of the "larger war on terrorism," U.S. Rep. John Kline told a south metro audience Wednesday. "The impending action, the potential action in Iraq, is in that context," the 2nd District Republican told members of the Burnsville Chamber of Commerce at their annual meeting and luncheon. Kline said he supports President Bush’s aggressive stance against Saddam Hussein and thinks a foot-dragging United Nations is in danger of losing credibility. "He (Bush) believes we’re in peril, that American lives are at stake," the first-term representative told chamber members at Crystal Lake Golf Course in Lakeville. ...
Kline said it’s known "beyond the shadow of a doubt" that Saddam possesses "horrible weapons" and has connections to the Al Qaeda terrorist network. "Either Saddam Hussein disarms, or, in the president’s words, we’re going to disarm him," said Kline, a retired Marine Corps colonel. In response to an audience member’s question, Kline said the United Nations will lose credibility if it opposes action to disarm Iraq. "I think the United Nations itself, their entire credibility, is really on the line here," said Kline, who served 25 years of active military duty, more than all but one other member of the U.S. House. "It’s the United Nations resolutions (Saddam) has been in flagrant violation of for a dozen years now, and the United Nations has done nothing about it. ... Their credibility as an organization for peace is really on the line."