RSVP at: war in Iraq: Military Families Speak Out Comm
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Nancy Lessin is a Boston-based labor educator with the United Steelworkers Union and a founding member of Military Families Speak Out (MFSO). MFSO is an organization of people who have relatives or loved ones in the military and who are opposed to the war in Iraq.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005, 7 pm
Olin-Rice Science Building-Room 250
Macalester College in St. Paul
Macalester College is located at 1600 Grand Avenue in St. Paul.
A large parking lot is located on Cambridge,
one-and-a-half blocks south of Grand Avenue
Military Families Speak Out is an organization of people who are opposed to war in Iraq and who have relatives or loved ones in the military. It was formed in November of 2002 and has contacts with military families throughout the United States and in other countries around the world. Its membership currently includes over 2,000 military families with new families joining daily. As people with family members and loved ones in the military, MFSO has both a special need and a unique role to play in speaking out against war in Iraq. It is MFSO loved ones who are, or have been, or will be on the battlefront. It is MFSO loved ones who are risking injury and death. It is MFSO loved ones who are returning scarred from their experiences. It is MFSO loved ones who will have to live with the injuries and deaths among innocent Iraqi civilians.
SPONSORED BY: United Steelworkers & Iraq Peace Action
For more info: United Steelworkers 612-623-8003,
Anti-War Committee 612-379-3899, Twin Cities Peace
Campaign/Focus on Iraq 612-522-1861, Veterans for Peace
612-821-9141 or Women Against Military Madness 612-827-5364