People power
I would like to thank the Star Tribune for its article on the Aug. 17 peace vigil at the Lake Street-Marshall Avenue bridge. I was there along with more than 1,000 other Minnesotans, showing support for our troops by calling for an end to a war based on fixed intelligence and false reasoning.
It was a beautiful sight to see so many peaceful people gathered together and to hear the support from countless motorists as they passed by.
As the president continues to avoid responsibility for his preemptive war, Americans and Iraqis continue to suffer and die. We cannot allow this to continue. The vigil was organized in just a day and was held in solidarity with 1,500 other vigils across the country. We the people have the responsibility and the power to make our voices heard.
Katrina Plotz, Bloomington.
Feel the heat, Mr. Bush?
After attending a local candlelight vigil last night, it occurred to me that an action like this is really just a matter of turning up the heat on George W. Bush and his pals, one candle at a time.
Alan Olson, Minneapolis.