Powerful Article on the "Opinion Page" of the Minneapolis Star Tribune Aug. 27th
'What they died for' in Iraq is a mysteryKen Lessley
August 27, 2005
"What they died for" is a complete mystery. As one grieving mother of a son killed in Iraq said, Bush is asserting that "more people should die because these have died," which makes no sense.
Maybe they died so Iraq can draft a constitution in line with radical Islam, which would suppress women and ultimately destroy Israel.
Maybe they died so Mobil / Halliburton / McDonald's can have free rein and profits galore in the Mideast.
Maybe they died so U.S. Army Inc. can have a permanent base and continue imposing our will by force on another region of the Earth.
Maybe they died so Bush wouldn't have to answer bothersome questions about Karl Rove.
Maybe they died so Iraq can have the same rigged and untraceable elections we do, putting inept but connected people in office to start wars unnecessarily.
If these brave men and women died for something worthwhile, why are their returning coffins kept off the news? Why has Bush yet to attend one funeral of such a brave and noble "sacrifice"?
The other thing I keep getting confused on is: When we defend our country, we're "patriots," but when Iraqis defend their country, they're called "terrorists." So, our patriots kill their terrorists, and this makes it a noble cause worth dying for?"<end snip>
Read the Rest Here:
http://www.startribune.com/stories/1519/5581635.html This piece will get alot of attention from the People who support the War on the Iraqi People!.
I am going to send a LTTE praising this article.
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