I frequently ride the neighborhoods of St Paul on my bicycle. I am depressed by the number of yard signs supporting Kelly for Mayor. I can't believe that a single Democrat would vote for this scumbag. Maybe those are Republican houses with the Kelly signs.
Riding home on my bicycle this evening I saw a big St Paul Firetruck coming toward me on W7th. He had his lights flashing and was beeping his boop siren. There were several LARGE American flags flying from the top of this ladder truck. There was also someone blaring a message over a LOUD voice ampifier:
"St Paul Firemen FOR COLEMAN!... Vote for Cris Coleman!... St Paul Firefighters endorse Chris Coleman!!" As the truck passed, there were "Cris Coleman" yard signs plastered all over the truck!
After a depressing and tragic week, this DELIGHTED me!
THANKS, St Paul firefighters!