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Housing offers show the good in people....

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Home » Discuss » Places » Minnesota Donate to DU
katinmn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 09:39 PM
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Housing offers show the good in people....
There are more than 600 offers listed under "Minneapolis" on MoveOn's HurricaneHousing web site.

And this is just one small region of the country and just one of the housing match-up sites. There are so many good people willing to share what they have, even when it's very little.

This gives me hope that maybe there are more good people in the world. I used to believe that deeply.

We have a large home that is currently filled with our family (four kids). We can clear out one of the big bedrooms downstairs to make room for people....

We have a spare bedroom with a full size bed and a pull-out bed (fouton) available. We are willign to take in any type of person, couple or family....

I am in a studio apartment in Minnesota, but I would be willing to host 1 or 2 people if housing this far north would be an option.

...I would bet I can help to find some work for people. You don't have to be a musician, but wouldn't that make it more fun? God bless you all....

We are very interested in accommodating up to a family of 5 in our home in North St. Paul. We are within walking distance of both elementary, middle and high school campuses....

Willing to drive to LA & pick up 6 people ASAP....

We are a young lesbian couple living on the north side of Minneapolis. We have a small two bedroom house and would be willing to offer our second bedroom to one or two people affected by Hurricane Katrina....

Hi! I am not sure who this will be useful to, but I know they are talking about taking people to St. Paul, so if you come, we have a full size futon that 1-2 people could sleep on. We live in a one-bedroom condo (about 800 sq. ft)....

We have one extra bedroom. If a student, we are near Univ Of Minnesota. We have one small old dog....

I offer one bedroom with one queen size bed. I have no pets, but would accept them....

We have a downstairs level with two small bedrooms, a bath and a living area for a family. We have a large backyard with a playset. It is just my husband and myself. We couldn't take a smoker, but now's the time to quit!

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