Edited on Sat Sep-24-05 07:23 PM by suegeo
I drove down to the Belle Plaine gathering, based on the fact that I wanted to hear Coleen Rowley speak. I did not attend the “front part” of the march, but met the group at the destination of the march.
At the march's "destination" park, I would guess about 35-40 people were there, with a nice mixture of age groups. Except I would have liked to have seen some teen, early 20 something girls.
Props (for lack of a better word) were a coffin on which had been written what I assumed were the names of the kids killed in the invasion of Poland, err, I mean Iraq. Also on a sign were the names of the Minnesota kids killed when Bush ordered our boys to march into Austria, err, I mean into Poland. For some reason, I keep confusing recent history with the history of Nazi Germany. So sorry.
At the park, Rowley and the Vets for Peace guy spoke. Neither said anything I hadn’t heard before, and I’ll summarize their points later, if I still feel like it.
I thought it was kind of funny that the graffiti scrawled on the park shelter’s walls went something like: “Proud to be a bitch.” Because, as Rowley later gestured, she had been called those types of names herself just for speaking out.
Here are some comments from the crowd, since those are what most interest me, anymore. Please note that none of these comments are direct quotes from people; rather I’m paraphrasing what I heard.
Many in the crowd said the moms and dads of Belle Plaine don’t discuss the Iraq war. They’re pretty much clueless. The people living in the nice homes that surrounded our meeting place would never attend a function such as the one we were at.
The people of Belle Plaine are 1 or 2 issue voters. They are rabidly anti-choice. One slight lady (60-ish) went to a Pampered Chef party, where the gals were bust’n on Planned Parenthood, and she asked “what’s wrong with Planned Parenthood” and the soccer mom’s nearly killed her (Not literally. But at that point, I imagined how if it were me, I’d use a Pampered chef ravioli cutter and cake pan to defend myself from the nasty “security” moms.)
The mumbling in the crowd was that they had some rightwing politically active priests in Belle Plaine who preached fascism, err, I mean, republican politics from the pulpit. (Take away their tax-exempt status, see how long that will continue.) Someone wrote to the Catholic bishop to complain about a priest who called immigrants diseased, and the bishop basically did squat. Thanks for nothing, Padre. Go in peace to love and serve der Furher.
The Vets in attendance knew damn well their benefits are being cut. They know lots of guys will be coming back from the oil wars, messed up psychologically. Rowley mentioned that Tim McVeigh and other domestic terrorists were vets of oil war 1 in Iraq. Coming soon, to a cubicle near you!
Many in the crowd agreed that rising gas prices might awaken the sheep herd in Belle Plaine from their deep deep slumber.
Here are some points Rowley (CR) and the Vets for Peace (VFP) guy made. Again, I am paraphrasing, so refrain from quoting my post literally.
VFP: To pay for all the boondoggles of Dear Leader, the republicans are looking to gut social programs. He mentioned the draconian plan the republican “leaders” just drew up called Operation whatever the hell they called it. I (as in me, not Mr. VFP) can’t recall the name of the plan, but I am 30% sure it wasn’t called Operation “National Socialism”
VFP: Pay attention to Posse comitatus (sp?) The brown shirts are looking to do away with it. And history shows what happens when that rule gets broken: recall the KGB, the Nazi Gestapo, he said.
VFP: Pay attention, because they are going to cut your Medicare to pay for all this crap. They won’t be cutting defense’s budget for their horrible ideas, mistakes, and planned chaos.
CR: She decided to run for congress as a way to keep trying to change things for the better, not so much out of a deep desire to walk in the halls of power. She was motivated to write her letter to Mueller at the Federal Bureau of (non?) Investigation because she felt she had to keep trying. Otherwise she would not be able to hear or read the names of the kids getting killed in these endless wars.
CR: The fascist congressman that Rowley is opposing is that Texan carpetbagger, John Kline. Those are my words, not Rowley’s. She didn’t say anything mean about the guy, because she doesn’t want to fall into the Good vs. Evil psych-op that the Bush junta is running. Criminologists know that good and evil exist in all of us, so don’t take the bait and let them divide us along the lines they define.
CR: Kline was calling for Iraq invasion way back in 2001. CR talked about a paper he wrote for the fascist, Minnesota-based think(ha ha) tank “American Experiment” or whatever ring of hell belched out Kathleen (Katheryn?) Kersten -- you know, that nasty person that the Strib hired to write a column. I don’t recall the exact name of the thinktank. Bascially Kline wrote we’ll have war without end, Amen.
CR: Anti-choicers are trying to make abortion illegal, and that will only lead to an increase in abortions. You must work toward the goal of a life culture, but making abortion illegal will only increase abortions, much like prohibition increased drinking, when it was passed with the intent of slowing down alcoholism.
CR She sort of quoted Tom Paine saying that sometimes the people need to save the country from their government. Vietnam was like that. Now is like that.
CR: The people need to get the Tea party started. The public should not wait for someone to solve this for them. Most politicians don’t know what to do, and they are sitting there like scared bunnies, blankly staring into space like Bush did in 2001, listening to “MY PET GOAT”
CR: Called bullshit on the Boy king’s claim that “nobody could have predicted the levees would break” and “nobody could have guessed they’d fly planes into buildings” This coming from the woman at the Minneapolis FBI where they had a guy in custody, in Aug 2001, who wanted to learn how to fly planes, but not how to land. Elect Rowley, at least we’d have a congresswoman who knows when things do and do not pass even the most basic of “smell tests.” Hummm, something smells really rotten in Eagan, could you spare us a FISA Ashcroft? Unfortunately, Mr. “My eagle is sore” maintained his focus on hookers.
There was more, but I don’t feel like continuing with this. Fascism is growing like Kudzu.
AGAIN THE DISCLAIMER: Rowley, the VFP guy, and the crowd spoke very respectfully and maturely. The immature comments, sarcasm, and naughty words in this post are my own, because I've had my fill of this rightwing crap, or if I really may be blunt: Hitlerian Horseshit.
Godess save us all from the rightwing death squads of fascists like Negroponte, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and the rest of the swampthing republicans.