Just before the vote that said we needed birth certificates and passports in order to vote in Minnesota I wrote to one of the candidates. My reply was forwarded to Jessica and I recieved the message below. I wrote back what I know about Diebold, the Wellstone-Mondale election that is cited in many verified voter sites as proof that there are problems everyware (exit polls vs actual counted votes). She wanted to know why I was so angry and suggested I write directly to the candidates. I did write back to her one more time with more links back but recieved no reply. Perhaps one of you might be able to write something she can comprehend. She is supposed to be communications director but her email and the other one but she seems to be only interested in recruiting bodies to do election work not "co"mmunciate. My point was that there is a very good chance are not going to get the candidates below elected with the current voting system in Minnesota.
----- Original Message ----- From: Jessica McIntosh Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:52 AM Subject: Your Question for the DFL Party
Rest assured that election fraud is high on our priority list for 2006. It’s one of the reasons why it’s important to take the Secretary of State race seriously. We need to have someone in that position who can restore integrity to the office and to our voting process. I urge you to check out our candidates, Mark Ritchie and Christian Sande, and contact their campaigns with your concerns. In the mean time, there should be legislation presented this session to make sure that Minnesota elections are both fair and verifiable.
Thanks for your concern,
Jess McIntosh
Jess McIntosh Deputy Communications Director Minnesota DFL Party 651.251.6315 jmcintosh@dfl.org