Sorry for the short notice.
Dear DFLer,
I invite you to show your commitment to equality for all Minnesotans by joining the Faith, Family, Fairness Alliance rally tomorrow morning at the State Capitol. Considering the immense effort put forth by Minnesota for Marriage, Minnesota Citizens in Defense of Marriage and the Republican Party to put the constitutional marriage amendment on the ballot in November, it is especially important that we have as large of a turnout as possible.
We must send a strong message that Minnesotans are not in favor of further dividing our communities by writing discrimination into our state constitution. That’s not who we are, and it doesn’t represent our values. Our varied faith traditions call upon us to come together in community to promote hope and love rather than fear and divisiveness. If at all possible, please stand with others tomorrow morning to make a strong statement that we support equality and oppose the effort to enshrine discrimination into our state’s constitution.
Registration is at 7:30 a.m. in the Great Hall, with light refreshments served, and the rally will begin at 8 a.m. in the Rotunda.
Thursday March 23rd 7:30-9 a.m.
State Capitol 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Your voice and involvement are critical in keeping the amendment off the ballot. Now is the time for Minnesotans to stand up against the attempts to write discrimination into our state's founding document. Help ensure that our inclusive and positive message is heard at the Capitol.
Thank you for supporting a vision of Minnesota based on justice and equality,
Donna Cassutt, Associate Chair Minnesota DFL Party