This is a story that ran in our local paper in Duluth, MN. Now please take the time and read the whole article before commenting, and lets try not to make this a flame fest.
Pit bull mauling scares West Duluth neighborsBrandon Stahl Duluth News Tribune
Published Tuesday, November 20, 2007
To Jason and Tara Williams, who live at 916 N. 56th Ave. W. in West Duluth, their three pit bulls are basically just three cuddly teddy bears.
“They lay right up on the couch and cuddle you,” Tara Williams said. “They usually end up sleeping in bed with me.”
But some of the Williamses’ neighbors in West Duluth say the pit bulls pose a threat to the neighborhood, and they want the dogs gone. The most vocal of those neighbors is Deb Susnik, whose 7-pound Yorkshire terrier, Cosmo, was mauled Sunday morning by the Williamses’ dogs.
“They killed our dog. It was murder,” Susnik said. “I can’t even begin to tell you what I witnessed.”
The animal control division of the Duluth Police Department said it will ask the Williamses to get rid of the dogs, and the mauling may force the Duluth City Council to re-examine the use of electric fences, which the Williamses use to keep the dogs on their property. Now it appears to me that the owners of the Pit Bulls have done everything right and the owners of the dog that was killed did not keep their dog on a leash, yet they want to punish the owners that did what they were supposed to pay for their neglect. I don't know but I think that is CRAZY!
ON EDIT: It won't allow direct link to the story but it is on the front page of the paper's home page.