The calling was in '96 for Wellstone, and I hated it. Half the people, if you're lucky, just hang up on you. One guy must have had a bad day and just TORE INTO me. "WTF are you calling me for? I don't want to be disturbed! Fuck you for bothering me! I just want to eat supper in peace!"
The door-knocking was an experience too. That was in '04 for Kerry and my state rep. It was GOTV on election day so at least I was supposed to be visiting known Democrats and should have gotten friendly receptions. Not so. One guy, I rang his doorbell, he came up, I introduced myself and said, "Just a reminder that today's election day and..." before I could get the rest out, he barked, "Of COURSE I know it's election day, do you think I'm STUPID?!?" and slammed the door in my face. There was one little old lady who invited me in, asked if I wanted some water or something, but that was the only pleasant encounter the whole day.
Needless to say both experiences were my only. Some people can just brush that stuff off but it really bothers me, I take it too personally. I try to find other ways to volunteer and contribute.