For one thing; it is NOT punishing anybody to rescind tax cuts that should never have been made; the last time I checked, it is without precedent that so much in tax cuts were made DURING A TIME OF WAR - though now that we're in two wars, making more cuts would be more than suicidal.
Especially when the rich, which includes him as he can stay at home all day, watch Springer, golf, talk to his movie buddy Mike Evans about his golf trips, and so on but I digress, reap the most rewards...
Even noteworthy Republicans such as Bruce Willis and Ben Stein have spoken up about paying fair share; the latter roiling Bill O'Reilly (fun episode, that one...)
Tommy B is just a blind dolt.
IMHO P.E. Obama has done a lot of things right, despite not having been in actual office for even one minute...
There are times Mr. Barnard is correct. What he said this morning only shows he's not just wrong, he's out of touch with reality. Given some of what he otherwise says, he's bonkers.
Oh, and if they want to rant and whine about getting our youths jobs, which is not entirely unfair a thing to suggest, it's funny how they don't know of a little thing called "offshoring" - again, out of touch or grossly ignorant of what's legitimately obvious... though it's also true people in those countries are losing jobs as well, so I don't want to become out of touch with reality either...