Sheriff Bob Fletcher spent 300,000 of Ramsey County tax dollars on a couple people to infiltrate those "terrorizing" Anarchist (aka Protesters).. and the only info he got was same that anyone could have gotten off the RNC Welcoming Committee's website,, and also some of the members personal whoas.
.... is what retired FBI agent husband and protester extraordinar Ross Rowley's response.
(By Ross Rowley)
An old lawyer adage says if you have the facts, pound the facts; if you have the law, pound the law; and if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the desk.
The leftover turkey wasn't even gone before Sheriff Fletcher started pounding away again, generating more media spin of his handling of the RNC. This time the re-hash was in the Star Tribune. And yep, it's pretty much the same, old warmed over story he told to Fox News 9 a couple weeks ago which I previously raised questions about (here).
What was rather unprecedented, however, was the simultaneous handing over of 1000 of the Sheriff's informant and undercover documents to a newspaper reporter ahead of the criminal trial.
....Anyway, my suggestion, if Fletcher continues to pound his desk and keep calling press conferences is for the media to begin to ask him a few logical questions instead of just describing what he says.
First, if Fletcher's deputies did such a good job of infiltrating the anarchist group as was reported, why didn't Fletcher know what the anarchists planned to do on the first day of the RNC? Why didn't the Sheriff and police assign their riot-clad robo-cops to the anarchists instead of using them to line the route of the Labor Day march consisting of peaceful marchers?
.....Real terrorists are usually much more secretive. Think back to the most significant recent cases of actual domestic terrorism in the United States: Timothy McVeigh (bombed the Oklahoma Federal Building); Olympic Park and abortion clinic bomber Eric Robert Rudolph; Unabomber (for 18 years) Ted Kaczynski; Ft. Detrick military scientist-anthrax killer Bruce Ivins; and the DC sniper terrorist duo. Most of these and other American terrorists operated alone or with one main accomplice. That's because secrecy is critical to the success of an actual terrorist act and that means it's different from protest and even civil disorders where mass numbers of participants (instead of secrecy) is the key. (Even the terror attacks in Mumbai were reportedly accomplished by only 10 main terrorist culprits.)
Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner is in charge of the prosecution of the RNC 8 under Minnesota's version of the "Patriot Act". You can find a petition to sign here that asks for her to dismiss the terrorism charges. Gaertner is also running to be Minnesota's next governor and when people run for public office, they need a lot of money. So she's starting to hold fundraisers.
from a new or updated MN website;jsessionid=DDD2051EC79E3C2B27666E2C947B5CDD?diaryId=2224