And outside the Metro it support does drop off quickly. While Prop 8 was close, Wisconsin went 2-1 against it in 2006 when they passed their amendment. All areas outside of inner Milwaukee, greater Dane County/Madison, and college areas went heavily for the amendment. Thankfully we had DFL control of one house of the legislature at the time to kill it in committee. The worry is an possible total loss of DFL control of all state offices (Governorship, House, Senate) would leave it wide open for that to be put to vote. I expect seats to be lost over the budget in the next cycle, hopefully not enough to loose control, but only time will tell.
Right now there needs to be a moderate, realistic campaign to safeguard any future amendment push (which will come, no doubt about it. :puke: :crazy:
I figure California will be ready for it within 5 years, but it may take 10-15 more years in Minnesota, for a generational shift of acceptance. It will be the same in Wisconsin but they have a higher barrier to overturn their amendment which we do not have (thankfully).
I see Marty's bill as a trial balloon at best, but already Archbishop Niendstedt has responded to it in his weekly editorial in the Catholic Spirit, ( ) :puke: so there is a hair trigger with the opposition over this as they are still licking their wounds from the 2008 election and will use this to inspire their demoralized base.
It is best to study up on California and Wisconsin in any future moves.