(this press release has gone out to all local TV news stations, Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, 950AM, WCCO, KFAI, smaller local newspapers.... any bets on who covers it?)
Thursday, February 5, 1:00 pm
State Office Building. Room 181
On February 13, 1,000 Minnesota National Guard troops will be mobilized to go to Iraq.
A coalition of local peace and anti-war groups are calling a press conference to protest the deployment of 1,000 Minnesota National Guard Troops to Iraq beginning February 13. This deployment occurs even as there are plans for the U.S. military to start drawing down the number of U.S. troops in Iraq.
The coalition is working in conjunction with a national campaign, “Bring the Guard Home! It’s the law,” which is a national movement of state campaigns to end the unlawful overseas deployment of our National Guard.
“These National Guard deployments prolong an unpopular war and occupation, cost millions of dollars and cause great hardships to the families and communities involved,” said Ray Camper, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. “The people of Minnesota, the people of the U.S. and the people of Iraq want an end to the U.S. war and occupation, not an endless continuation of U.S. military involvement.”
Organizers go on to say that the October 2002 Authorization to Use Military Force, which enabled President Bush to send our National Guard to Iraq, has expired. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found and therefore no UN resolutions remain to be enforced. Clearly, Iraq does not pose a threat to our national security. In the absence of any authority to keep the State Guard in Federal service, the authority over them should revert back to the State, where we need them most. Congress would have to pass a new Authorization to Use Military Force to keep them overseas.
The coalition is calling on Governor Pawlenty to 1) immediately pursue and exhaust every avenue to stop future deployment of Minnesota National Guard troops to Iraq, and 2) pursue and exhaust every avenue to bring Minnesota National Guard troops currently in Iraq home without delay.
A letter will be delivered to the Governor’s office immediately following the press conference.
Sponsored by: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Women Against Military Madness, Anti-War Committee and Twin Cities Peace Campaign-Focus on Iraq.