This sounds good to me:'s more, the court concurred with Franken's team -- and with the previously-stated position of Team Coleman -- that statutes and previous court rulings clearly hold that absentee ballot voting is a privilege, not a right. Why is this important? Because as was discussed a couple of weeks ago, if absentee voting is a privilege instead of a right, then Norm Coleman's equal-protection claim -- the heart of his election contest -- is blown out of the water.
Even worse for Coleman, the ECC raised the burden of proof shouldered by the Coleman campaign in adding additional ballots: From here on out, Coleman attorneys must now prove that a ballot was actually legally cast, and not just that it was improperly rejected. This means that they must show evidence, among other things, that the voter did not submit an additional absentee ballot or arrive in person at the polling place on Election Day to vote. No more throwing ballots at the wall to see which ones stick.