Have your stomach distress bags ready.
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2009/02/granholm_pawlenty_rendell.htmlOn the unemployment benefits in the stimulus bill:
We also don't have some of the same impediments as some other states. In the unemployment area, this is a time to try to help unemployed people, and most of the enhancements that the federal government is requiring the states to undertake on this bill
we did years ago. So it doesn't impinge us or hurt us in that regard in Minnesota....
... And so in -- the $25 increase, in our view, is clearly temporary under the face of the federal law. The other enhancements as it relates to improving eligibility determinations, part-time employment, the so-called trailing spouse requirement -- those vary from state to state.
So each analysis is different state to state. In Minnesota, we've already done most or all of those things.
We Tim? Really, we? I'll bet every enhancement to unemployment benefits was done over your objections.
PAWLENTY: You asked earlier why don't the markets like President Obama's plans, and you outlined the series of bailouts he's unveiled. Wait till you see the markets' reaction to what he unveils later this week, which is increasing taxes on a -- in the middle of a deep, deep recession. I don't think it's going to be favorable.
I also would concur with what was said earlier. If you believe they're going to take seriously the idea of cutting down the deficit when they are exploding spending at a historic pace, I've got some hunting land for you in northern Minnesota.
Isn't there hunting land in northern Minnesota? Is Tim telling us he does believe the deficit will cut? If he meant to express skepticism, this statement makes no sense to me.
PAWLENTY: Actually, I'm thinking about running for reelection for governor in 2010, and all of us are focused on this crisis. We've got people hurting across our states. And I would speak for all four of us and say we're not thinking beyond that and shouldn't be thinking beyond that.
WALLACE: But you're not ruling out 2012.
PAWLENTY: I'm first thinking about running for reelection for governor in the state of Minnesota, and that's my focus. And if I do, you know, people would expect you to serve out that term.
Tim, Tim, Tim, if you really care about the people hurting in Minnesota, don't run again. Do us all a favor and get yourself some high paying job with a private law firm and just fade from public view.