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Reality Check on Michele Bachmann denying she has earmarks: "It's just not true."

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Minnesota Raindog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-19-09 10:06 AM
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Reality Check on Michele Bachmann denying she has earmarks: "It's just not true."

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is on the defensive, after claiming she's never received one of those controversial earmark projects.

But in fact, Bachmann was in favor of earmarks before she was against them. As recently as a week ago, Bachmann claimed she hasn't taken any earmarks during the time she's been in Congress.

And it's just not true.

WCCO's Pat Kessler goes on to point out that "Bachmann has since backed off her no-earmarks comments."

What the fuck is wrong with reporters anyway? What does it take to call someone a liar. Michele Bachmann is a liar, plain and simple. Let's call her what she is. A liar. She didn't "back off" anythiong. She fessed up when she got caught red-handed lying. End of story.

Of course, this story has been on virtually every major blog for days before anyone in the MSM got around to covering it.
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Minnesota Raindog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-19-09 08:35 PM
Response to Original message
1. It's a lie a week for Bachmann
A concerned 6th Ward constituent has contacted authorities (and that one of Bachmann's telephone town meeting tied up his phone for 35 minutes and he was unable to make outgoing calls.

He was concerned that in the case of an emergency, a person receiving the call may not be able to dial 911 ...

... Bachmann's response was to say she was exempt from the statute because she has a "business or personal relationship" with her constituents (click on the letter to read Bachmann's response).

As usual, has the story first:

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Avidor Donating Member (952 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-19-09 10:11 PM
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2. Here's Bachmann's letter...
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CatholicEdHead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-19-09 10:17 PM
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3. This seems to be a recurring pattern for her
but I guess she thinks she can say pretty much anything and get re-elected in the 6th. :puke:
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