He seems to be setting himself up for a fast track to Rome as soon as possible as long as he comes out with these irrelevant proclamations. he is so narrow focused but that is his history. He is joining in the faux outrage tempest in a teapot over President Obama speaking at Notre Dame's graduation ceremony which is a tradition for all the recent Presidents. :crazy:
In doing so this leaked letter goes beyond just gay marriage arguments to a whole-scale attack on gay rights.
http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=15549Minneapolis, Minn., Apr 1, 2009 / 05:37 am (CNA).- Citing President Barack Obama’s “deliberate disregard of the unborn,” Archbishop John Nienstedt of St. Paul and Minneapolis has written to the president of the University of Notre Dame, protesting the “egregious decision” to invite the president as commencement speaker and honorary degree recipient. The archbishop joins several other U.S. bishops who have opposed the invitation.
Writing a March 31 letter to University of Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., Archbishop Nienstedt characterized President Obama as a former “pro-abortion legislator” who has indicated his “deliberate disregard for the unborn” by promoting “the FOCA agenda” and “lifting the ban on embryonic stem cell research.”
Archbishop Nienstedt in his letter also objected to President Obama’s “open support for gay rights.”
“It is a travesty that the University of Notre Dame, considered by many to be a Catholic University, should give its public support to such an anti-Catholic politician,” the archbishop wrote, asking President Jenkins to reconsider the decision.A little more history, before his time in New Ulm, he was Chaplin for Tom Monaghan's little Catholic millionaire clique. Tom Monaghan is the main figurehead of the Ave Maria ultra-conservative empire. The sqeakest wheel in this entire tempest in a teapot is the Catholic Newman Society, which wants 100% university orthodoxy to Rome and little to no academic freedom, they have a ultra-sensitive trigger. It is no suprise this came out based on his past.
At the end the Archbishop says if Obama speaks then he will not support Notre Dame in the future. :crazy: Of course there are only 7 or 8 approved schools on the Catholic Newman Society list which they constantly plug and forget the rest of them.
As I type this the Arcbhishop of Denver is also making his similar views public. He is another bishop who wants a very quick promotion to Rome, as to get ahead in today's Vatican you have to say and do things like this :crazy: .