Cross-posted in GD...
Franken Isn't 'Leading', He Won and Coleman LostWith a 312 vote victory for the Democrat, and nothing left to count, the corporate media continues to misreport the facts of the U.S. Senate election in Minnesota...We'd ask not why the media fail to describe Coleman as a "sore loser", as they did Al Gore (who didn't actually lose) but rather, why is it that -- even with Tuesday's final count of any remaining, lawfully cast, previously uncounted absentee ballots -- the media fail to describe Coleman as the
loser at all, much less a sore one.
From the
New York Times to AP to MSNBC ...and even
Democracy Now!, despite all countable ballots having now been counted, and clear rulings having been issued by both the MN Supreme Court and the bipartisan three-judge panel overseeing the contest, the media seem to have developed an aversion to using the "L" word --
loser -- in their coverage of the MN contest. Perhaps it's because they're listening to only one side of the argument (Coleman's), but the facts of the case, and the many clear court decisions, leave no question that Franken is the winner, and Coleman is the loser. So why won't the media say as much?...