(this protest was set up before the "teabag parties" the Capitol should be interesting on Wed)
(I can guarantee the People's Bailout will have much more diversity then the teabaggers)
Tax Day Protest
THIS Wednesday!
April 15, noon
MN Capitol St Paul, MN
Tax the Rich ! ....... Bail Out the People
The People’s Bailout Bill calls for:
< Jobs or income now
< Moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions of renters from foreclosed buildings.
< No Layoffs - save jobs
< No Attacks on Immigrants
< No one in Minnesota should be cold or hungry.
< Protect public education. No tuition hikes
The economy is in crisis. The state of Minnesota has a budget deficit. We say NO to balancing the state budget on the backs of poor and working people…again. The wealthy have enjoyed years of tax breaks. But, they ran this economy into the ground, causing suffering all around. It’s time for them to pay.
The People’s Bailout Bill (SF-542/HF-626) goes part way to undoing the harm that this economy has done to us. Call your legislator and say, “Pass the People’s Bailout Bill. It’s time to tax the rich.
Here are the links: HF626:
https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/bin/getbill.php?session=ls86&number=HF626&session_number=0&session_year=2009&version=list SF 542:
https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/bin/getbill.php?session=ls86&number=SF542&session_number=0&session_year=2009&version=list Please forward this message widely.
Come to the Capitol on tax to raise YOUR voices: Tax the Rich! Bailout of the People of MN NOW!
Sponsored by the MN Coalition for a People’s Bailout