The latest Star-Tribune poll says most people are fed up:
Minnesota Poll: Most want Coleman to call it quits
Nearly two-thirds of Minnesotans surveyed think Norm Coleman should concede the U.S. Senate race to Al Franken, but just as many believe the voting system that gave the state its longest running election contest needs improvement. the bottom line is that it's laws, and not popular opinion polls, that determine the course of events here. Minnesota election law is being followed to the letter in this matter. It's unfortunate that the law enables Coleman to delay in this manner. Maybe the laws will be modified in the future to accelerate the process, or perhaps to provisionally seat the recount winner during court challenges. But for now, we have to follow existing law.
What accounts for the re-election of Michele Bachmann is the fact that she comes from a congressional district that was heavily gerrymandered to include a slim majority of right-wingers. She doesn't represent Minnesotans as a whole, and could never win a statewide election.