ACTION ALERT: Tell Minnesota State Senators that we don't want our state supporting the Bush-era neo-con’s Middle East agenda! “NO!” to Senate File 131 “Divestment from Iran” Bill
** Neo-conservative hawks and well-funded, right-wing lobby groups want to revive the Bush-era agenda of aggression toward the Middle East. A tiny elite that championed the U.S. war on Iraq is leading a new, well-orchestrated campaign to persuade state and local governments to "divest" their holdings in foreign companies and U.S. overseas subsidiaries doing business in Iran. And, like the run-up to the U.S. war on Iraq, the campaign has attracted bipartisan support. State lobbying disclosure reports reveal that lobbyists have spent a great deal of money in Minnesota pushing this bill with Minnesota legislators. There are false claims that Iran is a nuclear threat, much as false claims were made about Iraq. Why we say No to Senate File 131 “Divestment from Iran” bill. ****
1. The Minnesota legislature should not be wasting its time, energy and taxpayers’ money on this neo-con driven agenda, which is a distraction from the real business of the state of Minnesota.
2. The Minnesota State legislature should not be advocating for action that is contrary to peaceful relations and dialogue. The intent of this bill is clearly to demonize the Islamic Republic of Iran and it will result in making a military strike more likely.
3. The Obama administration has announced that it wants to end the enmity and mistrust that have existed for the past 30 years between the U.S. and Iran. Minnesota legislature should not be known for creating antagonism and warmongering at a time when there is great potential for peaceful relations. It would shame and disgrace our state.
4. This bill will cost Minnesota taxpayers money at a time of fiscal difficulties.
* If enacted, this bill will cost $3 million in transfer fees, alone. Sales in the energy sector stocks, which this bill focuses on, mean selling low and before the stock market goes up again, losing on that end, so Minnesota could lose $140-$400 million. This loss will affect the money in Minnesota state pensions. *
Here’s what you can do:
1. Attend Senate Finance Committee meeting. Come early with a sign (not allowed inside the hearing itself) and/or sit in the audience: Friday, May 1, 8:30 a.m. (Hearing Start Time) Minnesota State Capitol, Room 123, 75 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, St. Paul. Note: schedules are subject to change, please visit for updates.
2. Call the members of the Senate Finance Committee (list below): (and your own Senator)
Richard J. Cohen, Chair 651-296-5931 Dennis R. Frederickson, Ranking Minority 651-296-8138
Ellen R. Anderson 651-296-5537 Linda Berglin 651-296-4261 Don Betzoid 651-296-2556
Dick Day 651-296-9457
Steve Dille 651-296-4131 Michelle L. Fischbach 651-296-2084 Leo T. Foley 651-296-4154
James P. Metzen 651-296-4370 Steve Murphy 651-296-4264 Gen Olson 651-296-1282
Sandra L. Pappas 651-296-1802 Pat Pariseau 651-296-5252 Claire A. Robling 651-296-4123
LeRoy A. Stumpf 651-296-8660 David J. Tomassoni 651-296-8017 Jim Vickerman 651-296-5650
Charles W. Wiger 651-296-6820
* * Call everyone this list and your own Senator. Especially since the 1000 MN Guard members where sent to Iraq along the border of Iran. This is sick and shameful and the DFL, especially the Progressive DFL needs to be call out on it.