See short article on this - I'd noticed that he doesn't either. staff does respond to emails though - either canned answers about how he's just trying to keep taxes down (or whatever generic response that suits him) or even a somewhat rude one in response to healthcare (he ain't for it!). His "surveys" are far worse than Ramstad's (Old "Loaded Question" Jim, e.g. "Do you want to pay MORE taxes?"), and I believe are only direct mailed to his list/base (although if you write him, you'll get one).
I guess his goal for his daughters is the standard 77 cents on the dollar for wages!
Hmm, maybe that's gone down in this economy?
I've also heard that he was good friends with BSC Michele and veryclose to what she believes politically. Since he keeps a low profile, it's not known. I think Ramstad helped get Paulsen elected (not just robocalls but $$/fundraising), and that's unforgiveable. Ramstad isn't/wasn't "moderate", and he knows damn well what Paulsen is. Shame on him.
The DFL needs to find someone to run against Paulsen and take him out before he gets entrenched (or gets a C Street room!).