Edited on Fri Aug-07-09 08:57 PM by annm4peace
After months of fighting for her home of many decades, Rosemary Williams is being evicted at this moment, 2:15pm, Friday Aug. 7, by the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Department. While the Sheriff's office has locked Rosemary’s belongings in her home, and Rosemary is sits weeping on the front lawn, the community has mobilized to demonstrate and stop this eviction.
The Minnesota Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign and the Coalition for a People’s Bailout have been organizing in the community to resist this and other evictions for months. Both organizations and other community members have vowed to use civil disobedience to save Rosemary’s home. Scores of supporters have assembled at 3138 Clinton Ave. South.
This eviction is taking place despite this community mobilization and the support of Councilwoman Elizabeth Glidden. Last week's offer of an arrangement to save her home by a local community development corporation was withdrawn in an unexplained move.
The Sheriff’s department surprised Rosemary by beginning the eviction today rather than Monday as they previously communicated to Rosemary.
No more evictions, no more foreclosures! Housing is a Human Right!
4 PM Friday: Approximately eight Hennepin County sheriff's deputies unexpectedly arrived at Rosemary Williams' home at 3128 Clinton Avenue around 2pm this afternoon, accompanied by four men presumably representing GMAC Mortgage.
All took photos of the inside of the house and garage; deputies installed a new lock on the garage and posted "no trespassing" notices on all doors.
They ordered supporters to leave the property, but did not enforce their order.
After some activists sat down on the front porch locking arms, one deputy pulled out his can of chemical spray.
Soon thereafter, however, all the sheriffs and GMAC representatives left the property in their unmarked vehicles, leaving the gathered supporters to wonder what will happen next.
6:30PM Update: Police squad cars have been doing drive-bys at Rosemary's house; many supporters still remain there.
(I was able to be there from 6pm to 8pm, I will go back in about 1hr to stay and give some support) (there was a mixture of people and about 20-30 people while I was there, FOX 9 also camped out)
8:15PM Update: Reports are that councilwoman Glidden spoke to a city inspector who claimed that no action would be taken tonight; however, Glidden was also told that no eviction attempt would occur today, just one hour before the sheriffs came. Rosemary Williams is apparently staying at a neighbor's house tonight; beginning early Saturday, help is needed particularly in the form of vans and people to help move belongings.
More people still needed so come if you can!
**** there are 1000's of people being kicked out of their homes in MN.
Rosemary is bravely taking stand and represents many.
We have to support her in her efforts, we could be next.. like her we could lose our job, or the business we are at can close. We could be unexpectedly ill and find out our insurance isn't as great as we thought. or we could be in an accident and not able to work.