Edited on Mon Aug-17-09 10:33 PM by Lydia Leftcoast
to garner attention.
I'm convinced that one reason that the wingnuts are having such a field day with HR3200 is that it's too damn complicated.
I've tried to figure out if I'd be better off or worse off, and I think that it would be a wash for me (Boo! Hiss!, since I don't like my current health insurance), but I'm not sure--and that's after honestly trying to figure out what's going on.
Now imagine a wingnut who looks at the 1000 pages and immediately freaks out. "Me no understand. Must ask Rush and Glenn to explain."
And Rush and Glenn are only too happy to explain.
Maybe it's because I live in Minneapolis, in a neighborhood that votes 80% Democratic, and then go off to my church, where Republicans occasionally complain about being an embattled minority, but I'm just not seeing any opposition to health care reform, at least not among people who aren't right-wing media zombies (like, regrettably, one of my brothers).
If I were Obama, I would have proposed a bill that combined single-payer with an expanded network of public health clinics and gone on television with exactly five talking points: 1) Anyone can now buy into Medicare. 2) The addition of younger, healthier people will help solve Medicare's financial problems, 3) Your providers will still be in private practice and you will be able to receive any treatments that your doctor deems necessary, 4) You can keep your current coverage, but your Medicare coverage will stay with you even if you lose your job or move to another state, 5) We will pay for this by cutting the fat out of the Pentagon's budget. Don't worry; our military will still be the largest in the world by far.
Then I would send the members of the Progressive Caucus, you know, the ones who really believe in health care reform, out on the talk show circuit. I would find a way to keep the Blue Dogs "busy," as in "Hey, you guys, I think I'm sending you on a tour of worldwide health systems: Canada, France, the UK, Germany, Japan, Costa Rica... What an itinerary! You'll have a great time, and you'll be gone for about a month." Meanwhile, the Progressives would be everywhere.
By the way, wouldn't Dan make a great primary challenger for Amy Klobuchar? :evilgrin: