Please join me, Senator Sharon Erickson-Ropes, in supporting John Marty for Governor. I was elected to the State Senate three years ago, picking up a Republican-held seat from Southeastern Minnesota. I won primarily campaigning on public education and universal healthcare. These are core values Senator Marty and I share.
As former chair of the Winona School Board and state PTA president, I care deeply about education and trust John Marty's commitment to schools and his strong, consistent support for education funding and reform.
As a registered nurse, I see how farmers and small businesses in communities all across the state are struggling to get affordable health care. Unaffordable health insurance is hurting our families and destroying our economy. Every week I hear stories of neighbors being dropped by their insurance due to pre-existing conditions, seniors being misled by medical middle-men, friends holding fundraisers to help a family stave off bankrupting healthcare costs, and small pools of employees facing high deductibles they cannot afford. It is time to fix this problem. John Marty's legislation, the Minnesota Health Plan (MHP) will control skyrocketing costs, make businesses more competitive, restore the relationship between the patient and doctor, allow the patients to choose their doctors and hospitals, and provide all necessary care for every Minnesotan - including prescription drugs, dental care, mental health and chemical dependency treatment.
It is time for John Marty and the Minnesota Health Plan.
What compels me to stand up for John Marty for Governor are his unwavering ethics and solid commitment to comprehensive healthcare reform featuring single-payer billing. The cornerstone of John's vision for a prosperous and secure future is the Minnesota Health Plan.
By standing up to the powerful, well-financed insurance lobby, John's legislation would control costs, guarantee accessible health care for all, and build a healthy workforce. This will help Minnesota will grow strong and competitive in the global economic market. Across the state, a broad coalition of people and organizations are following John Marty's bold lead towards health care for all.
Senator Marty's crystal-clear vision is derived from a moral belief that everyone deserves to be as healthy as possible. He is working to change the debate at the Capitol. We have caring professionals trying to deliver top-notch care in a healthcare system that is broken. In America we pay twice as much for our healthcare than other countries, yet we have worse outcomes. We are not healthier, we do not live longer, our chronic diseases are worse.
John Marty is the candidate for Governor for those who believe in guaranteed health care for all. He has proven his leadership, pulling together a diverse coalition and steadily passing the MHP through Senate committees. Most importantly, we can trust John Marty to continue to stand up to the high-pressure insurance industry and pharmaceutical company lobbyists.
We need John Marty's bold, ethical leadership. Please join me in supporting Senator John Marty for Governor.
Please Visit www.johnmarty.org to:
- Learn more about Senator Marty - Make a financial contribution - Sign up to support and volunteer
Together, we will ensure John Marty is the next Governor of MN. Please visit www.johnmarty.org today - to sign up and contribute.
Sincerely, Senator Sharon Erickson-Ropes (DFL)