COLDWATER FULL MOON WALK Friday, September 4, 2009—Ripening 7 pm at Coldwater Spring, in south/east Minneapolis What is that plant? Is it a weed? Is it eatable? Henry Fieldseth will tell us on the walk this "Moon When All Things Ripen." Henry is the soul of the 20-year old Friends School Plant Sale, largest plant sale in Minnesota. Directions: From Hwy 55/Hiawatha in south Minneapolis, turn East (toward the Mississippi) at 54th Street, take an immediate right (South) ½-mile past the parking meters, through the cul-de-sac and the gates. Follow the curvy road left & then right down to the pond, next to the great willow tree. Sunset 7:44 pm—Moonrise 7:28 pm Info: www.friendsofcoldwater.org What happens to the water happens to the people.