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Un-embeded Iraq reporter Dahr Jamail at Cedar Culture Club tonight 7pm *

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-04-09 09:10 AM
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Un-embeded Iraq reporter Dahr Jamail at Cedar Culture Club tonight 7pm *

Junkyard Empire Rebellion Politik CD release event with special guest Dahr Jamail, plus Carnage, Guante, and Samosa
Start: 09/04/2009 - 8:00pm
Doors Open: 7:00pm Tickets 12.00.

If you know young people in the military, thinking of going into the military, or already Veterans.
this show is for them. And for all of us who want the troops home now.

I went to hear American reporter Dahr Jamail last night. He is the reported that kept us informed on the truth as he reported from the most war torn areas of Iraq and Afganistan, these past 7 years. The troops spoke painfully honest with him and he reported it.
He has come out with his 2nd book and talks about it.

** "The Will to Resist".** He'll throw some facts at you the will rock your world.

and the bands are incredible also, but if you are over 40 they might be too harsh and loud.
for 12.00 it definately worth listening to Jamail

Here is from the book's website.

Praise for Dahr Jamail and The Will to Resist

“Dahr Jamail’s human portrait of the men and women who turned away from the project of empire should serve as a beacon. These returning veterans know the essence of war, which is death, and have been maimed by the trauma of industrial warfare. They have found, despite their pain, the moral courage to recover their conscience. The truth they tell demands that we find the courage to make our nation accountable for the crimes committed in our name.” —From the Foreword by Chris Hedges

“Dahr Jamail is one of very few journalists who have displayed the courage—physical, intellectual, and moral courage—to tell the truth about the invasion of Iraq. In this outstanding book, he describes the often secret resistance within the U.S. military as soldiers reclaim their humanity and, with searing honesty, offer a glimpse of how America’s wars on the world might end.” —John Pilger, award-winning independent journalist and author of Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire

“Based on his experiences as an investigative reporter in Iraq and in his frequent conversations with Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, Jamail vividly portrays issues of conscience for military personnel during wartime. As a woman veteran, I thank him for exposing sexual assault and rape in the military—including the warning that of women seeking help from the Veteran’s Affairs, one in three has been sexually assaulted while in the military. Jamail’s work provides indispensible help in our understanding of the costs of war to our own military as well as to countries the United States occupies.”
—Ann Wright, Retired U.S. Army Reserves Colonel and U.S. diplomat who resigned in opposition to the Iraq war

About the Author
Dahr Jamail's reporting from Iraq has been published in newspapers and magazine worldwide. He has appeared on Democracy Now! as a regular guest, as well as BBC, Pacifia Radio, and numerous other networks.
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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-04-09 09:25 AM
Response to Original message
1. some comments or words that come about of the talk
* paper clip

* IED Lottery

* "Search and Avoid"

* Were there any Mutiny's in Iraq ?

* Who said: Afghanistan is where Empires go to Die ?

* What is the ratio of female soldiers getting raped in the military ?

* What is the place "Army STrong" ?

What soldier was on CNN with Paula Zahn and after talking about the recent death and abuse of 3 black mercenaries announce that he was a flaming GAY ?

What is "Supremacy Law" and how does it relate to the US Constitution ?

How do International Treaties like the Geneva Convention relate to the US Constitution ?

How does the Geneva Convention relate to the Oath the Troops take ?

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