Minnesota Independent:
http://minnesotaindependent.com/56038/punk-rock-ministry-ambushes-sen-john-marty-at-dfl-eventYou Can Run But You Cannot Hide, the front group for the punk rock ministry of Bradlee Dean, took his brand of fundamentalist Christianity to a DFL gubernatorial meet-and-greet several weeks ago to confront Sen. John Marty about his support for “sin” and homosexuals. Dean and fellow group frontman Jake McMillian repeatedly asked Marty about sodomy.
“In Minnesota, there is something called the sodomy law. It governed all 50 states for quite some time. As a matter of fact, you can go to prison for the act of sodomy,” said McMillian. “Now we are debating a marriage amendment between homosexual couples, male with male which has never happened in the history of civilization, but yet we are overlooking a statute that is very valid called the sodomy law in Minnesota.”
Read the whole article and watch the videos.
Bradlee Dean is also a pal of Michele Bachmann and a defender of Tom Petters: