Grade 11 - MCA-II/GRAD Results (2009)
57% of Minnesota Grade 11 students met or exceeded standards in Math on the 2009 MCA II/GRAD.
Grade 11 - Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA-II) Results (2009)
42% of Minnesota Grade 11 students met or exceeded standards in Math on the 2009 MCAII. abysmal if you ask me
But wait she did have time for some Senate business it's right here
76 Senators sign on to Israel letter
More than three quarters of the U.S. Senate, including 38 Democrats, have signed on to a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton implicitly rebuking the Obama Administration for its confrontational stance toward Israel.
The letter, backed by the pro-Israel group AIPAC, now has the signatures of 76 Senators and says in part:
"We recognize that our government and the Government of Israel will not always agree on particular issues in the peace process. But such
differences are best resolved amicably and in a manner that befits longstanding strategic allies. We must never forget the depth and breadth
of our alliance and always do our utmost to reinforce a relationship that has benefited both nations for more than six decades."
A similar letter garnered 333 signatures in the House, and its support marks almost unified Republican support for Benjamin Netanyahu's government, along with strong, but more divided, public Democratic discomfort with Obama's policies in the region.
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