Emmer's ties to anti-gay organization and homophobic leader is troubling for Minnesotans
ST. PAUL (June 24, 2010) - Tom Emmer recently came under fire for his ties to the organization You Can Run But You Can't Hide International, and its leader Bradlee Dean who has equated homosexuals with pedophiles and encouraged his followers to stand up and "enforce God's laws" on their own. When asked to address his relationship with Dean and his organization, Emmer simply said "these are good people."
"Is Tom Emmer kidding? Good people indeed," said DFL spokesperson Donald McFarland. "Tom Emmer stood up for a man who called members of the GLBT community predators, who has encouraged violence against homosexuals and would like to impose his narrow-minded beliefs on the whole of America. It doesn't get more bigoted or extreme than that, and Tom Emmer once again is there standing up for these right-wing beliefs. It's shameful."
Tom Emmer has contributed money to You Can Run But You Can't Hide International, done interviews with and been a guest in the home of the organization's leader, Bradlee Dean.
The DFL released a You Tube video on the shameful company Tom Emmer keeps: