if you live in the 2nd District, please make sure you get out & vote for him on August 10. And if you can spare it, any money you can send would help.
I know him from senate district politics and he's a great guy, very approachable with traditional DFL values - including a commitment to single payer.
His primary opponent is Shelley Madore who, at the 2nd District Convention, promised to abide by the endorsement. Less than a week later she went back on that so you have to wonder what else she'll lie about. I believe Dan got the endorsement on the 2nd ballot but Madore and her minions claim he just "got lucky". You don't get endorsement (60% required) on the 2nd ballot by being lucky From what I've heard from people who were at that convention, it was Dan's answers & demeanor during the question and answer period that made the difference.
We can only hope Colonel Klink will underestimate him too.