Turnouts are predicted to be low on August 10. Let's all try to prove them wrong and make our voices heard. I walked in my precinct yesterday and encouraged the residents I talked to to turn out and vote for the DFL candidates they want to represent them in the November election. The responses I got were encouraging, for the most part. Since we have a multi-candidate race in Senate District 67 to replace Mee Moua, who is not seeking reelection, and a three candidate race for the DFL's candidate for Governor, each person has great influence in choosing the DFL's candidates.
I'm the DFL Precinct Chair for Ward 6, Precinct 13 in Saint Paul, and have been working hard to get out the vote in my precinct.
You can check out our Precinct web site (one of the few that exist) for more information and links to the Secretary of State's website, where you can locate your polling place anywhere in Minnesota.
http://saintpaulw6p13.blogspot.com/Thanks for turning out! See you at the Polls!