There are thousands of Foreclosures that continue to happen every week in Minnesota.
It can be emotionally devastating to those going through it, whether they fight back or not. For the men it seems to much to even try to fight back. It is more women that fight back than men. Just an observation.
the majority of the them are in Michele Bachman's district.
I have posted previously of some women who have been fighting back. Some of these women have lost their homes, but not their soul and have come out empowered and stronger.
I have been advised the best group right now that helps people fight to keep their home is Habitat for Humanities.
Here is the latest update.
Foreclosure updates
ALL FOUR OF THE WOMEN BELOW WORK FULL OR ALMOST FULL TIME and have painstakingly followed all (ever-changing) rules and directives month after month. Ann Patterson reports that Wells Fargo locked out her house in late July in order to "secure the property." But security must not have been the aim because they neglected to lock the side door. Unfortunately she cannot make a case and take them to court because she no longer resides there. She ultimately chose not to proceed with re-modification because of an extremely long, grueling and emotionally exhausting run-around. The bank kept assigning a different representative who told her to start all over faxing documents, etc. and based payment calculations on gross rather than net income, which resulted in un-affordable rates. It comes as no surprise to read statistics on Wells Fargo's having the absolute WORST record of processing load re-modifications in 2009 and early this year. MNPPEHRC recently began working with another Wells Fargo homeowner who has been struggling with them for almost two years to re-modify her loan. Stopping a September sheriff's sale is critical to her winning, but this year, as foreclosure resistance has taken different paths from 2009, she will be likely to adopt a new approach. Meanwhile, Leslie Parks is STILL in negotiation with the bank. She sent in the paperwork in mid July and her bank IS in communication. She is optimistic that a fixed-rate mortgage will be created for her at a truly affordable rate. The deal may not be complete for several weeks so she continues to wait patiently. Linda Norenberg signed a re-modification agreement months ago but the bank still keeps sending her bills in differing amounts. Until it is finalized she continues to remain cautious but nonetheless we are congratulating her on the victory! Together with support from family and organizations and especially her lawyer, Linda stood her family ground and never gave up! Her story inspires others. WE TOO KEEP ON KEEPING ON SPREADING HOPE, RECREATING, RECONNECTING, RE-ENVISIONING, FIGHTING, AND NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVING UP! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!