How about when Bachmann calls the mainstream media a liar?
Bachmann says Star-Tribune outdoor writer Dennis Anderson is a liar when he says Bachmann supported the same 2008 "Legacy Amendment" that Bachmann is criticizing Tarryl Clark for supporting. That's what she told the St. Cloud Times. Dennis Anderson says it's Bachmann who is the liar. Anderson says Bachmann appeared in her Game Fair booth in Anoka that year with signs proclaiming her support for the amendment, which, as Bachmann herself says, raised taxes on corn dogs at the State Fair, and color crayons for kids. also says that Bachmann broadcast her support for the amendment over the PA at the same Game Fair in Anoka to 1,000 people during an interview with longtime Strib outdoor writer Ron Schara (himself a Bachmann supporter who spoke at a Bachmann-Palin rally that year)
Read all about Michele Bachmann's latest lie at DumpBachmann (where else?) and then contact the Star-Tribune and St. Cloud Times and ask when they're going to correct the record on Bachmann's lies.