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Photo Exhibit: “A Peace of My Mind” Through October 24 Midtown Global Market, Last Street East and 10th Avenue South, Minneapolis. Twin Cities photographer John Noltner will open his new documentary exhibit, “A Peace of My Mind” at Midtown Global Market. “A Peace of My Mind” is a project that combines art and storytelling to explore the meaning of peace. Since early 2009, Noltner has interviewed 52 individuals about their thoughts on peace, including Holocaust survivors, a Buddhist minister, a homeless man, and many others. He asked what peace means to them, what they do to work towards it in their lives and what obstacles they encounter along the way. The exhibit showcases 24” x 36” black and white portraits of each of the subjects as well as excerpts from their interviews. Full audio from the interviews can be downloaded from the project’s website. Visitors are encouraged to download these interviews to their MP3 players and listen to them as they view the photographs. “Too often we are asked to look at what separates us in life,” Noltner said. “This project asks us to look at what brings us together.” This activity is made possible in part by a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Endorsed by: WAMM. FFI: www.apeaceofmymind.net.