What a great interview Jess, who was one of the raidees, did with nancy nelson on AM 950 at 5:50 yesterday. I teared up at the end because they were able to get so many important points out.
I had just got into my car as the interview started. (I had been at the protest in front of the Fed building downtown and we finished about 5:30)
I was so glad to have heard it, but I was worried of how it would go, but they had the right questions and made such wonderful comments. I was so glad Jess could talk about the bigger picture of the raids and subpoenas but even more importantly she was able to talk of what is happening in Columbia and of the union activists being killed; and the tax payer money being wasted on these raids and trials.
And Nancy, the host, said: "Many of us have been activists.. we are activists" that was wonderful because so much in the media portray activists of a negative person.. as some type of occupation or criminal. That was just great Nancy called herself an activist. It was great they touched on several points that I had hoped would get out and help the listeners realize that they need to pay attention to these raids.
I didn't listen to Matt's show after as I was getting out of the car to another event, so not sure if callers called in about the show.
Next I went to listen to just returned from Iraq, minneapolis/Iraq resident Sami Rasouli and two women from Iraq talk of what life is like at this time in Iraq. One of the women is here because her 8 year old son is here to get care for the amputee of his leg and burns from very poor hospital care after being electrocuted. She spoke of how her son was injured and life for the women in Iraq.
Jess was sitting in the front row with her 7 year old daughter, Laila. The little boy was on stage with Sami and his mother as she spoke and the little boy was getting bored.. Laila snuck some pieces of paper and pen up to him so he could draw He then used his crutch to come off the stage to give her the picture and then went back tot he stage, and then Laila would draw something would sneak over share it with him. this went on for awhile as they communicated through smiles and pictures. He finally came down and sat with her on the floor and they played together drawing as his mother told us of the horrible conditions of Iraq and the horrific things happening to the women and girls.
I tell you of this because here is Jess who has been active to try and stop wars, and then end the occupations and her 7 year old daughter is playing with this victim of our wars. the humanity of the children playing together is why we keep being peace activists even though it takes a toll on our jobs, our family and friend relationships..and sadly our civil liberties. There were people filming, in fact there was a documentary team from another state there filming the talk and the interaction of the children..but he said that it won't be a film till at least a year. I wish I had a camera and I could share the video with you.
There was Bill who films for The Uptake and he did film the women and SAM speaking, but I don't know if he got Lila and the little boy interacting, but he did get the groups speaking and I think the little boy sitting next to SAM. I haven't seen his video up yet.
It was great having Jess on a moderate liberal station because it reaches more than just our local community. It has an impact on those in other countries. I hope it helps the listeners realize they have to pressure the our officials to end the raids/grand juries and to end the wars and occupations, and the oppression of people in other countries.
Here is Jess and some of the other subpoenaed
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU3-rUUe3po&feature=fvsr Here is one of the Iraqi women who spoke with Sami's event at St. Joan of Arch church.
http://www.tcdailyplanet.net/news/2010/10/10/iraqi-teacher-gets-new-legs-minnesota I wish more people could hear what Sami and the women had to say. thankfully the UPTAKE will have that on their site in a few day, or maybe later today.