Edited on Mon Oct-18-10 10:54 PM by annm4peace
1. NATIONAL call-in day October 19: Call President Obama at (202)-456-1111 and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder at (202)-353-1555 Demand: **End repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists! **Return all materials seized in the raid! **Call off the Grand Jury!
2. Action at Sen. Klobuchar’s Mpls. office Oct. 19 1200 Washington Ave. S., Mpls Tuesday, October 19 4:00 until 5:00 Delegation to Senator’s office at 4:00 Bannering from 4 till 5pm
3. Call Senator Klobuchar - Oct. 19 though Oct. 22 612-727-5220 Tell her to go public, speak out and -- Denounce the repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists! -- Demand that the administration stop the Grand Jury Subpoenas of activists!
More info on National Call-in Day: The 3rd National Call In Day to stop FBI repression and stand in solidarity with anti-war activists targeted by the September 24 FBI raids and Grand Jury subpoenas is this Tuesday, October 19. This is the third group of activists scheduled to appear at the Grand Jury. All of the activists are refusing to testify, so the Assistant U.S. Attorney Brand Fox has withdrawn the subpoenas thus far. The Grand Jury continues however, and arrests, or subpoenas offering immunity—forcing activists to talk under the threat of imprisonment–are possibilities. We need your support. Please circulate this national call widely.
More info on Klobuchar action: U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar is on the Judiciary Committee. She is a lawyer and a former prosecutor. She knows stomping on free speech is wrong. She should be fighting to change whatever laws these federal goon squads think they are working under. Why isn’t she denouncing this witch hunt? She hasn’t said a word about the raids. She should be speaking out to stop the harassment of our activists.
-- National: StopFBI.net MN: mnstopfbi.wordpress.com Petition: stopfbi.net/sign-the-petition