The AM 950 ads aren't cheap, $11,000 each I read in Shove's Progressive Calendar (hard to believe though). Anyway, if I was a Republican or a CONservative or a CONNEDservative (see definitions below) or a right-wing greed-banger, I'd contribute to the Greens - I think there's a lot more bang for the buck at this point to splitting the left than there is to running yet another batch of Republican ads.
CONservative (one who cons others, e.g. Koch brothers, Murdoch, Scaife, druggie Limpaugh, and others in the top 1%).
CONNEDservatives -- the goobers/haters who are conned by CONservatives to vote for tax breaks for the rich and corporations because they think it will trickle down to them. Or they think they will be rich someday --remember that poll in 2000 that found that 19% think they are in the top 1%, while another 20% think they will be in the top 1% some day?)
Remember that when some idiot snearingly calls you a liberal - just snear right back and call him a CONNEDservative and tell him he's been conned. The stock market lost 37% under Bush II (S&P 500) (its up 39% under Obama as of Friday Oct 29 close). And hes definitely not a fiscal conservative considering that Bush nearly doubled the national debt (Reagan nearly tripled it, and the Reagan-Bushes in their combined 20 years (both Bushes and Reagan) increased the national debt by more than 8-fold. And they must hate the dollar because Bush II drove it down by 22% against other currencies And on and on...