Minnesota Women Lawyers mwlawyers.org used to endorse judicial candidates - I know they did back in 2004 and their endorsements looked good from a progressive perspectives when reading the profiles of the judges. But I can't find their endorsements after about 20 minutes searching their web site.
Here is the link that worked in 2004, but is a "page not found" now:
http://www.mwlawyers.org/MWLInitiatives/JudicialEndorsements/default.hDoes anyone know if they still do judicial candidate endorsements or why they stopped doing it? Or any other group with a progressive bent that does so?
Here's what's in the League Of Women's Voter Guide that I picked up at a Hennepin County library (Golden Valley) today with some parenthetical comments of mine.
Associate Justice-Supreme Court 2
-Helen Meyer, incumbent (sounds reasonable....)
-Greg Wersal (NO!)
Associate Justice-Supreme Court 6
-Alan Page, incumbent (YES!)
-Tim Tengelstad (NO!)
Judge-Court of Appeals 13
-RoxAnn Klugman - (NO!) "I am a Constitutionalist ... " See below for more
-Randolph Peterson, incumbent (sounds reasonable....)
Judge-Court of Appeals 14
-Dan Griffith (NO!)
-Larry Stabuer, Jr., incumbent. (Sounds reasonable)
More on RoxAnn Klugman - (NO!) "I am a Constitutionalist ... and believe in promoting the Constitution as written. The Constitution secures our freedom, and keeps our government limited and our markets free. ... must interpret the law and Constitution as written. ... Judicial activism is a key challenge facing the court .... when judges use their positions to replace the text of the law and Constitution with their own personal feelings, agenda , or life experience, they are engaging in judicial activism..."
All but one of the NO! opinions agrees with Minnesota Raindog, and from their positions given at
http://www.mnvoter.com/documents/VG2010Judges.pdf (which is an eye-opener).
The one NO! I added is RoxAnn Klugman, as she sounds like Clarence Thomas / Antonin Scalia. But the above website doesn't show any positions for her (or for anyone else except Wersal, Page, Griffith, and Tengelstad).
There are other judicial races but they are all uncontested.