Edited on Sat Nov-06-10 08:41 PM by The Backlash Cometh
My sister got her Christmas Barbie the year before I got mine. In those twelve months her Barbie had been given plenty of baths and a couple of haircuts so she looked more troll than Barbie. And then I got my Christmas Barbie with shiny, smooth hair in a box. And my sister, older than I was by three years, began to tell me how her Barbie was more alive because she had spent more time in the real world and the sum of the doll's experiences made her a more interesting toy than the one in the box. And. I. Believed. Her.
I sincerely believed that my sister would not lie to me. How could she? We were in the same family.
Democrats need to realize that even though Republicans are also Americans, they are Americans who will lie to them. Period. THEY. WILL. LIE. There is no honor in them and no sense of fair play and each time you think so, you will lose any advantage that you have coming your way.