As many of you probably know Lockheed Martin is one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the world, their shareholders have been profiting off war for years while the rest of us are stuck to pay the bill. Unfortunately however the shareholders of Lockheed Martin will continue to profit from the war machine while their Minnesota workers will be thrown to the curb to fend for themselves.
Usually we hold signs at the vigil, but tonight we decided not to hold any signs and instead held candles both as a symbol of peace and a show of sympathy with the workers who will be losing their jobs. The people who will be harmed by the closure of the Lockheed Martin plant are not the war profiteers but rather the ordinary citizens who are working to feed their families. The war machine will keep churning, the shareholders will continue to stuff their pockets with our taxpayer dollars, and people will continue to be killed by Lockheed Martin's weapons, and our communities will suffer because corporations like Lockheed Martin will continue to put the almighty dollar ahead of human lives.