Protest at Sen. Klobuchar’s office to Keep Anh, Tracy & Sarah out of Jail! Thursday, December 2 4:30 pm 1200 Washington Ave. S, Mpls On Sept. 24, the FBI raided anti-war & international solidarity activists in Minneapolis & Chicago, then subpoenaed 14 people to appear before a Grand Jury investigating “material support of terrorism.” The 14 activists were ordered to bring info with them on all their political contacts & activities here & around the world. This is an outrageous attack on the right of free speech and association! Naming names of activists they’ve met from places like Colombia and Palestine could jeopardize those activists’ safety at the hands of their oppressive governments. The people subpoenaed have not materially supported terrorism. All “pled the 5th” so the government temporarily suspended their subpoenas. Now US Attorney Fitzgerald's office says 3 of the activists - Anh Pham, Tracy Molm & Sarah Martin - will soon have their subpoenas reactivated. They’ll face the choice of participating in the witch hunt or going to jail indefinitely for ‘contempt’. This must be stopped. Join us to demand that Senator Klobuchar pressure President Obama and Attorney General Holder to stop US Attorney Fitzgerald's McCarthyist witch hunt. Demand that Sen. Klobuchar do all she can to keep Anh, Tracy and Sarah out of jail!